“I feel used”: The circle star Tierra confronts Kevin after Darian’s elimination

Th Crcle Season 7 star Antonio/ Tierra/ Image Source: @Netflix Tudum
Th Crcle Season 7 star Antonio/ Tierra/ Image Source: @Netflix Tudum

The Circle Season 7 is nearing its finale, and the blocking is getting brutal. The players are finding it harder to trust other players in the game. After Darian's elimination, Tierra, a catfish identity honed by Antonio in season 7, confronted Kevin during a group chat in episode 9.

Kevin took the heat for Darina's blocking, as promised to Gianna, and justified his action by telling the other players in the group chat that he got to know via a source that Darian was planning on blocking him. Madelyn created this whole fiasco, as she told Kevin in episode 7 that Andy/Heather told her before leaving that Darian was going after her.

However, Tierra was convinced that Kevin was a liar and wanted to confront him. Tierra texted on a group chat and said:

"I feel used. I've been going off of information from what now seems like an untrustworthy source."

The Circle star Kevin invited Tierra to a private chat to clear the air between them

Circle Season 7 star Kevin got into trouble after deciding to block Darian and taking the heat for it. The players grew skeptical of Kevin as he had a history of not saving his allies in the game, be it his circle wife Savannah or circle bros, Andy and Darian. After Darian's blocking, players were curious to know why Kevin blocked Darina, who was his number one alliance.

Kevin explained himself and reminded the players of The Circle that at the end of the day, he had to play for himself and get Darian out, as he was planning to get him blocked.

Kevin invited Tierra to a private chat after being confronted by her during the group chat. Tierra was keen on knowing the source about whom Kevin had been talking all along. Kevin wanted Tierra on his side, so he revealed who the source was to tell him that Darian was going after him.

Kevin texted Tierra:

"Having your trust means the world, and know you have mine. It was Madelyn. I hope my actions have proven my loyalty to you."

Tierra was suspicious that the source was Madelyn, but Kevin's confirmation relieved her. She also acknowledged Kevin's honesty and assured him that she was 100% there for him. Kevin, on the other hand, was worried that dropping names might cost him his alliance with Madelyn, but it was too late, as the name was out already.

The Circle Season 7, episodes 1-12 are streaming on Netflix now. The finale episode will be released on Wednesday, October 2.

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