Shark Tank, an American business reality TV series has been around for more than a decade. The show first premiered on Television in 2009, and so far has released sixteen seasons. Barbara Corcoran had witnessed the intense deals, competitive investments, and future building of entrepreneurs since season 1. She has graced the chair of a shark for all 16 seasons.
Corcoran is a real estate mogul along with a TV personality and commentator. She has climbed her way up, tracing through personal losses, resilience, and moral fiber. Barbara maintains a quiet, sincere yet humorous demeanor. She had her unique way of maneuvering deals on the show. She looks to get inspired and inspire others.
The testament to all of these is her Instagram post which keeps on motivating her followers to work hard towards their passion and keep the family close. In one such post, she suggested to her followers how spreading one's business content across platforms can benefit manyfold. She posted the video with the caption, "Don't put all your eggs in one basket" and remarked:
"Here is why diversifying your business content could be the best decision you can make."
Let us look at Shark Tank's investor, Barbara Corcoran's wise suggestions.
3 advice for the business content creators from Shark Tank's Barbara Corcoran
Shark Tank investor and Corcoran Group founder, Barbara does not want her followers who are looking forward to being a business content creator to narrow down their platforms when it comes to advertising and scaling their brand. She has encapsulated the benefits into three points.
1. Explore all the available platforms
Barbara Corcoran advises business content creators to dive into all the platforms, online or offline, available to promote their ideas and brands. Sticking to one platform could lead to fewer audiences. She stated:
"Don't limit yourself to one platform! Your audience is everywhere."
2. Uncertain nature of internet algorithm
Corcoran's suggestion to widen the sources/ platforms while creating and circulating content takes into account the nature of the internet algorithm which can be unpredictable, leading to crisis. Therefore, she suggested:
"Algorithms are too unpredictable. Being on multiple platforms keeps you safe if the algorithm shifts."
3. Consistency is the key
Shark Tank investor vouches for "consistency" as it is the key to forming a niche for your idea and business, giving one the environment to propel. Her suggestion is:
"Consistency builds trust. Show up with the same message across all channels and create a recognizable and trustworthy brand."
Barbara Corcoran features as an investor in Shark Tank US.
Barbara Corcoran’s insights highlight the importance of diversifying platforms, navigating algorithm challenges, and maintaining consistency in business content creation. Her advice empowers creators to expand their reach, safeguard their efforts, and build trust. Aspiring entrepreneurs can learn from her expertise to create impactful, scalable, and enduring brands across multiple channels.
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