The Challenge 40: Battle of the Eras Episode 17 aired on December 18, 2024, on MTV. The segment featured The Final Elimination task, which resulted in one elimination - Cara Maria Sorbello. After exiting the show, the female participant recalled the episode and the elimination task in her December 19, 2024, interview with Gold Derby.
Cara Maria shared various insights and chimes in on things that happened during The Challenge 40's 17th episode.
"I don't know if I'm gonna have to hold my breath and do math questions under the barrels like I don't know. But whatever it is, it ain't something I'm gonna enjoy, right? So, um, and it's against Tori, and it was just there was so, and it was my birthday, and there was just so much going on at once."
She added:
"You know, I'm stubborn, and I just wanted to survive, and I wanted to make it through, and I wanted to get to that final, and you know everything just happens the way it's meant to, and at the end of the day Tori just pulled it out, and she had a great season, and she definitely earned it."
The Challenge 40: Recently eliminated participant Cara Maria opens up about her experience during The Final Elimination
The Challenge 40 Episode 17 featured Cara Maria Sorbello's elimination, after which she was sent home. Her opponent, Tori Deal, advanced in the show for the upcoming finale with the rest of the finalists.
During her December 19, 2024, interview with Gold Derby, Cara Maria opened up about The Final Elimination and how things unfolded that resulted in her elimination.
Referring to how many fishes and other sea creatures were floating around her and Tori, the female participant shared:
"Yeah, I didn't know if it was jellyfish. I didn't know what it was, but I felt every time my ears went under the water, I heard like electricity or something. I didn't know what it was, little fish, jellyfish, but I felt like I was constantly getting like I didn't know what things were like things were floating into my bra and biting and staying in there. When I got out, my hair was blonder than Tori's. It had been totally bleached out."
She added feeling like "getting eaten alive by" she didn't even know what. She mentioned the entire challenge as "not a comfortable experience." Cara also noted that the challenge lasted "3 hour-ish" and that a minute felt like "an eternity."
Talking about how she didn't know about The Final Elimination being a water-based task, The Challenge 40 star mentioned how the host, TJ, had mentioned that the "mini-final" would be based in the desert.
"He was like, "Yeah, this is what the final is going to be like," and I was like, "Woohoooo, no water, really. Look at all this sand." And then, you know, then they put us on a boat, and then they put us on another boat, and then they said your elimination is off this boat, and I was like, 'Oh f*** you, TJ.'"
Further in her interview, The Challenge 40 star mentioned that there were "arguably the best swimmers" with her, including "the strongest women" in the show. She mentioned that nothing was visible "underneath" her in the ocean.
Fans can stream The Challenge 40 Finale on January 1, 2025, on MTV.
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