While Young Sheldon revolves around the younger version of Sheldon Cooper, the beloved prequel series also features other memorable characters like the protagonist's loving and sometimes comedic father George Cooper. The role is played by actor Lance Barber who reunited with one of his cast members after his character died.
It's hard to believe that Young Sheldon ended with Season 7, as it remains one of the fan-adored dramas. It explores the titular character's struggles of growing up with a mind far beyond his years. Additionally, his family plays a key role in Sheldon's life, as each member adds depth to the narrative.
While his mother Mary is a strong and religious figure, Sheldon's father George Cooper Sr. is a high school football coach, who's approachable and caring. As for his siblings, his sister Missy is the exact opposite of him and they also have an older brother named Georgie Cooper.
However, George Cooper Sr.'s death in Young Sheldon serves as a heartbreaking moment for fans. Though his fate was known from The Big Bang Theory, the exact timing of George's death was kept a mystery until the final moments of the prequel.
Lance Barber, the actor behind George took to his Instagram and shared a post with Doc Farrow who portrayed Coach Wilkins. Continue reading to explore what the actor wrote about their reunion.
Lance Barber reunites with Young Sheldon cast member after George Cooper Sr.'s death
Fans had to bid an emotional farewell to Lance Barber's Geoge Cooper in Young Sheldon Season 7, as the character's fate was already disclosed in The Big Bang Theory. The adult Sheldon Cooper revealed that he lost his father at the age of 14, which is the same age he is in the prequel.
Young Sheldon Season 1 Episode 3 featured George Cooper suffering the first heart attack, hinting that his fate is inevitable. So, fans knew that the emotional moment would come. While he's not shown having a heart attack, George's family is informed about the heart failure as the series comes to an end.
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Months after Geoge's death, Lance Barber shared a picture with Doc Farrow and the caption reads:
"So #georgecooper may be gone, and #coachwilkins sad, But @thedocfarrow and @lanceb.actor, are still alive, enjoying our friendship and wishing you a wonderful and amazing weekend, holiday and new years!"
Following the post, fans filled the comment section with love and support for the actors and their off-screen friendship. Their characters George and Coach Wilkins initially didn't like each other, but when it came to listening to George's problems, Wilkins always ensured his presence.
The planning process behind George Cooper's death in Young Sheldon
Young Sheldon executive producer Steve Holland sat in an interview with Variety, and shed light on Geoge's death. He explained that the makers, including Lance Barber knew from the start that Sheldon's father would die in the end. When asked about the prequel's end, Holland said:
"It’s always challenging, and I think endings are always really difficult... But I don’t think there’s anything we wanted to get to that we didn’t get to at the end of the day."
Holland also addressed George Cooper's death and said:
"We wanted to do it in a way that was hopefully a little surprising. So that’s why it happens at the end of [Episode 12] — we thought maybe we can catch people off guard."
The makers let Barber's character stay around for a few more seasons than originally planned as the child actors Iain Armitage and Raegan Revord were aging, so it resulted in a few adjustments in the timeline. George Cooper's story ended shortly after he received an offer of a coaching job at a college in Houston, highlighting his sacrifices and hard work.
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