Dubai Bling Season 3 premiered on Netflix on January 8, 2025, and aired all nine episodes of the reality show. Among the cast members, the show features Safa Siddiqui and Zeina Khoury, who are close friends with each other and share a strong bond.
Since the show's debut episode, fellow cast member Farhana Bodi seems to have issues with Safa and Zeina. Through various incidents, Farhana confesses being "ready to put someone" in their place while referring to Safa.
However, Safa shared that she doesn't know anything that might have happened to her and Farhana.
"Honestly, I don’t know what Farhana is thinking. The last time we spoke, we were fine. I have heard that she's been going around, telling everybody that she's going to come for me. So I just thought, "Okay, is she really gonna come for me?" Let's see."
Seeing how there have been various tension-filled incidents involving the three cast members, Safa, Zeina, and Farhana, fans shared their views on X.
A Dubai Bling fan mentioned on X and referred to Zeina and Safa as "mean" girls:
"Zeina and Safa are actually mean girls that constantly bullying Farhana, of course Farhana is not innocent but these too are mean mean girls. #DubaiBling."
Another fan wrote on the platform about how Farhana started the drama:
"Literally Farhana started the drama. Wym Zeina and Safa are mean girls? Are the lights on? #dubaiblingseason3."
A netizen reacted to Farhana:
"I love farhana because she's delusional just like safa called her #dubaibling #dubaiblingseason3."
Another fan mentioned about Farhana's actions:
"But why should Farhana go around asking if people own their belongings? Such bullsh*t #dubaiblingseason3 #dubaiblings3 #dubaibling."
One more fan reacted to Farhana and called her a "snake in the grass":
"You're a snake in the grass, Farhana. You just want to be the drama queen. Whichever one is in front of you, you pretend to be their bestie. All bullshit, you only care about yourself not the fake friendships you don't have! #dubaiblingseason3."
A fan called Farhana "selfish" and mentioned:
"Farhana, YOU are the problem. They don't want to talk, why ruin every occasion????? Back off. You spoil everything being selfish. #dubaiblingseason3."
Some of the fans tweeted about being "team Safa and Zeina" and commented:
"The very first scene and I'm team Safa and Zeina which i have never been before but Farhana is doing too much and then LJ insulting Zeina to her husband and expecting him not to say anything…it's too much #DubaiBling."
One more fan reacted:
"#dubaiblingseason3 is soooo fucking good lmaooooo episode one and they came SWINGING!!! Forever team zeina and safa tho."
An X user wrote:
"Farhana definitely is jealous of Safa! She could never have what she has! So she always wants to argue with her! #DubaiBling."
A fan wrote on the platform:
"Omggg Farhanna starting problems from absolutely nothingggggggg #DubaiBling."
Dubai Bling Season 3: Farhana against Safa and Zeina since the first episode
Dubai Bling Season 3 Episode 1 featured cast members attending Mona's New Year's Eve party. After Farhana didn't greet Safa, some cast members suspected a grudge between the two.
"I didn't say Hi to Safa, specifically. Because she was just making lies up about me, about my Birkin being borrowed. Because I was carrying it in a dust bag. How dare she make up all these lies!" confessed Farhana.
Dubai Bling star Farhana said that Safa "used" her to "social climb" while using her contacts.
After the argument between the two seems to be escalating, at Mona's event, Safa leaves the scene and confesses that she would "happily" have that conversation with Farhana "on the side."
Mona confessed that both Safa and Farhana needed to resolve their issue. While Zeina took Safa's side, she didn't like it.
"Never. I did not have any clue that Farhana will explode like this," confessed Zeina.
Dubai Bling stars Danya and Mona suggested they all sit down for dinner. The latter confessed to being "really not happy" about how things had turned out at her New Year event.
Regarding Farhana's behavior with Safa and Zeina, fans shared their views on social media platform X.
Netflix is now streaming all the episodes of Dubai Bling Season 3 on the platform.