Mace Windu makes official return in new Star Wars series expanding Star Wars universe

Samuel L Jackson belives Mace Windu is still alive (Image via Instagram samuelljackson)
Samuel L Jackson belives Mace Windu is still alive (Image via Instagram samuelljackson)

Mace Windu was first introduced in the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy where he was a Jedi Master who was part of the Jedi High Council for the final years of the Galactic Republic. Samuel L. Jackson has played the role of Mace Windu in all of these three films and also in the film The Clone Wars (2008). In comics, novels, and video games, it is Samuel L. Jackson, who features as Mace Windu.

One of Windu’s famous quotes goes like,

“Remember that war is like a fire across the galaxy. It spreads and it consumes. We must never waver in the face of that fire. We are keepers of the peace. We are Jedi. The Republic needs us more than ever, which means our faith in the Force, our connection to the Force must never waver.”

A fan-favorite character, Mace Windu was last seen in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, where he seemed to be killed by Palpatine. However, after this, Samuel L. Jackson did a voiceover cameo in The Rise of Skywalker, which has made fans wonder if he is going to return again in the Star Wars franchise.

Now, much to the delight of the fans, a comic titled Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories—Tides of Terror is bringing back three important Jedis, namely, Kit Fisto, Shaak Ti, and Mace Windu. Let us now explore in detail how the character of Windu is coming back in this new Star Wars series.

Mace Windu is making a comeback in the Star Wars franchise

In the comic miniseries Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories—Tides of Terror the issue that will be bringing back Windu’s blurb mentions,

“Jedi Master Kit Fisto has been sent to the ocean planet Tordus, alongside Mace Windu and Shaak Ti, to investigate a controversial underwater research facility. The facility is in danger of flooding and being crushed into rubble, and if that’s not enough, there are giant monsters circling them.”

It further mentions,

“With disaster looming, his diplomatic excursion quickly becomes a rescue mission! Kit Fisto and his fellow Jedi must race against the clock to save innocent lives from the hungry leviathans that fill the depths. Can the Jedi fend off the danger lurking in the ocean’s briny waters?”

While all of these Jedis' fates are already known, it would still be great to see them in action. Moreover, despite how Mace Windu’s character arc ended in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith a lot of fans still believe that he is not dead and can come back in a cameo role if Disney gives him a chance.

When asked about what happened to Mace, Samuel L Jackson himself said in an interview with Empire Magazine, “HE’S NOT DEAD!!!” This shows how enthusiastic the actor is about the character and there is an obvious space for the character to return in case a new series or film comes up. Now that the comic mini-series is featuring Wandu, it remains to be seen if any new updates about a film or a show follow anytime soon.

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Edited by Sugnik Mondal
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Samuel L. Jackson did not voice Mace Windu in the Clone Wars tv series. Terrence 'TC' Carson did.
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stduncan6969 · 2 d
@optimusmickey2Correct, that's why it says he voiced Mace Windu in the 2008 *movie*. The article does not mention the show.
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