Netflix premiered the new season of Love Village on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, and new residents arrived in the Okinawa village to cohabitate and find a "forever love" by tackling daily challenges all living together in a community. The show planned to invite adults aged 35 to 60 to give another chance at love in a specially created setting in Okinawa village where all the cast will live together.
Episode 1 titled Non-Glitz Romances are Back! welcomed 5 women and 4 men to start a new journey by settling in a house in Okinawa that needed cleaning and arranging. The hosts Becky and Atsushi reviewed the preview clip of the show in the beginning and expressed their awe and excitement at the thrilling upcoming season and called it a "gathering of people with strong feelings".
The official synopsis of episode 1 of Love Village Season 2 reads:
"Five women and four men arrive at a dilapidated house in Okinawa. As they settle in and start cleaning up, someone falls in love at first sight."
The show started by introducing the 9 cast members who would be residing in a small house with Japanese architecture, full of pink Shisa to add to cultural nuances.
Love Village Season 2 Episode 1: Love at first sight, uncertainty and more
The new Okinawa residents for season 2 of Love Village come from different walks of life having different experiences in love. Some of them did not marry and some of them have gone through divorce. The cast members of Love Village Season 2 are:
- Pachi Yumi 51, owns a sports gym
- Akipon 44, works at a hair salon
- Tamifull 45, Manga artist
- Manhattan 59. former trading company employee
- Sen-ne 57, Dietary Advisor
- Captain 48, a former Rescue Pilot
- Chii 40, Actor and Photographer
- Ayakan 35, Secretary
- Gitarin 52, Music Teacher
The five women entered the house and were shocked by the amount of cleaning and renovation it demanded. The narrator, Kamiya Hiroshi introduced the viewers to the house and its architecture. Soon the ladies were joined by men, and all greeted each other as the hosts announced, "Let the fun begin".
Pachi Yumi took the leadership role and divided the work between the residents, making it efficient to do the work. Manhattan, the oldest person in the group, rests his back on the floor, as the rest of them get house chores done.
The narrator reveals that the residents will be given a budget of 500 Yen per person daily and will be provided with semi self-sufficient lifestyle as they can grow Okinawa vegetables on the attached farmland.
The residents settled in their sleeping bags for their first night, however, they all complained about sleep deprivation as Pachi and Sen-ne were too loud with their snoring. On the second night when residents bonded over drinks, Ayakan got emotional as she was called "too young" by Pachi and also expressed that she was jealous that she did not have children.
The bonding turned out to be rather chaotic as Ayanka and Pachi got into a blip, which led to all the ladies crying as they shared their experiences. However, the scenes moved on and the residents focused on their Shimana-fired rice while Gitarin had eyes for Chii, all this time. He said:
"My only choice is the actor. The musical actor. The one wearing the blue, please. She is my only choice."
However, as Gitarin conversed with Chii, he got to know she wanted to live in Toyosu after marriage which seemed too expensive according to Gitarin's savings. Akipon called for an all-men meeting as he wanted to discuss Gitarin's song proposal for Chii.
All men of Love Village came in support of Gitarin while the episode's end hinted at Chii getting attracted to Akipon, who has been divorced twice and had three kids.
Love Village Season 2 premiered on Netflix On November 5, 2024.
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