Love is Blind Habibi: Mido and Nour clash over post-breakup behavior in Episode 7

Love is Blind Habibi
Mido and Nour from Love is Blind Habibi | Image source: @Netflix

Love is Blind Habibi Episode 7 aired on Netflix, featuring a tense encounter between former couple Mido and Nour. Aired on October 10, 2024, the couple who had previously ended their engagement, found themselves at odds during a group reunion.

During the episode, Mido revealed he had met an Egyptian woman after his split from Nour. Nour retorted, questioning the likelihood of forming a new relationship so quickly. Their exchange escalated when Nour stated, "one doesn't have to lower their standards." Later in his confessional, Mido countered by imitating Nour's words and labeling her behavior as having "zero character."

Fellow Love is Blind Habibi contestants Chafic, Daunia, and Karim attempted to intervene, offering varied perspectives on the situation. The conflict between Mido and Nour dominated the reunion, overshadowing updates from other participants and leaving their issues unresolved as the episode concluded.

Accusations fly as Love is Blind Habibi exes Mido and Nour reunite

The atmosphere shifted when Mido revealed he had connected with an Egyptian woman following his split from Nour. His description of this new acquaintance as "extremely pretty" visibly unsettled Nour. She swiftly challenged Mido's claim, expressing disbelief at the idea of forming a new relationship so quickly after their breakup.

“He comes in ready with the script that he made up, and he's reciting it, and I'm... in another world... A mountain doesn't shake from the wind.", she said.

Nour's emphasis on personal standards

The discussion took a contentious turn when Daunia asked about lessons learned from the Love is Blind Habibi experience. Nour seized this opportunity to expound on her personal values, which became a flashpoint in the conversation. She emphatically stated,

"Me? I believe that whatever happens, one doesn't have to ... one doesn't have to lower their standards. I have my standards."

Karim, intrigued by Nour's statement, probed further. He questioned whether her comments implied that Mido had not met her standards during their relationship. Nour attempted to clarify, insisting her remarks were meant in a general sense rather than specifically about Mido.

However, her explanation did little to diffuse the growing tension. As the debate intensified, Nour's stance on standards became increasingly central to the discussion.

Mido's critique of Nour's character

Mido's response to Nour's comments about standards was sharp and critical. When asked about his takeaway from the Love is Blind Habibi, he sarcastically remarked that he had learned

"Love is never blind."

Mido also accused Nour of "just talking" without following through with actions. In a private confessional segment, he escalated his criticism, describing Nour as having "zero character." Mido's frustration was evident as he mimicked Nour's statements, saying,

"'Like, actually this is my standard, this is my standard'. Zero character."

Cast reactions and attempts to mediate

The clash between Mido and Nour drew reactions from other Love is Blind Habibi cast members. Chafic, another contestant, challenged Nour's emphasis on her standards. He questioned her directly, asking,

"You think other girls don't have standards? You think they live in the street?"

Daunia attempted to diffuse the situation by shifting the focus of the conversation. She suggested that some individuals might place more importance on physical appearances than other qualities in relationships.

Karim offered a more diplomatic perspective on the situation. He commended both Mido and Nour for their decision to end their relationship when they realized it wouldn't work. Karim stated,

"But I respect both Nour and Mido. They met each other and said that it wouldn't work out. You guys made a conscious decision. I mean, not like you were hypnotized and... Really, you guys just said that it wouldn't work out."

Despite these efforts to mediate, the atmosphere remained tense. As the conversation threatened to escalate further, Safa intervened by changing the subject. She directed a question to Karim about his plans after Love is Blind Habibi.

The clash between Mido and Nour in Love is Blind Habib Episode 7 revealed the emotional aftermath of their breakup.

Their exchange, characterized by accusations, sarcasm, and discussions of personal standards, dominated the reunion segment of the episode.

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Edited by Mudeet Arora