The Simpsons is an American comedy animated sitcom created by Matt Groening which aired its first episode in 1989. The show goes around the titular Simpsons family including characters like Homer Simpson, Bart Simpson, Lisa Simpson, Marge Simpson, and Maggie Simpson who reside in the fictional town of Springfield. The series is packed with epic humor, memorable moments, and social references.
Renowned for its wit and cultural relevance, the show often features celebrity guest appearances, parodies, and sharp commentary on politics, entertainment, and society. It has influenced countless other shows and has been recorded as one of television’s longest-running series with over 700 plus episodes listed under its name. Over the years, The Simpsons has become a global phenomenon, praised for its iconic characters, and memorable catchphrases.
List of Christmas episodes in The Simpsons
The below table talks about all the Christmas-themed episodes that have been released as of 2024.
Season | Episode | Title | Original Air Date |
1 | 1 | Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire | December 17, 1989 |
7 | 11 | Marge Be Not Proud | December 17, 1995 |
9 | 10 | Miracle on Evergreen Terrace | December 21, 1997 |
11 | 9 | Grift of the Magi | December 19, 1999 |
12 | 8 | Skinner's Sense of Snow | December 17, 2000 |
13 | 6 | She of Little Faith | December 16, 2001 |
15 | 7 | 'Tis the Fifteenth Season | December 14, 2003 |
17 | 9 | Simpsons Christmas Stories | December 18, 2005 |
18 | 9 | Kill Gil, Volumes I & II | December 17, 2006 |
22 | 8 | The Fight Before Christmas | December 5, 2010 |
23 | 9 | Holidays of Future Passed | December 11, 2011 |
25 | 8 | White Christmas Blues | December 15, 2013 |
26 | 9 | I Won't Be Home for Christmas | December 7, 2014 |
28 | 10 | The Nightmare After Krustmas | December 11, 2016 |
29 | 9 | Gone Boy | December 10, 2017 |
30 | 10 | 'Tis the 30th Season | December 9, 2018 |
31 | 10 | Bobby, It's Cold Outside | December 15, 2019 |
32 | 10 | A Springfield Summer Christmas for Christmas | December 13, 2020 |
Also read: How many seasons of the simpsons are there?
Which is the highest-rated Christmas-themed episode on Simpsons?
Among the listed episodes, the most highly rated one according to IMdb ratings is the episode titled “The Fight Before Christmas” with a total 6.7 out of 10 rating. The episode was released on December 5, 2010, and was aired as the eighth episode of Season 22. The first segment of the episode begins with a narration by Bart, envisioning a revenge-fueled mission against Santa Claus for failing to deliver the dirt bike he had wished for. Bart sets out for his mission to the North Pole, only to discover Santa is overworked and exploited by his elves.
On the other hand, we have Lisa’s narrative where she imagines a wartime Christmas during World War II, inspired by The Nutcracker, portraying Marge as a soldier longing to return home for the holidays. Marge then explains her vision of a perfect Christmas, where the Simpson family lives luxuriously in a penthouse but has some difficulties with their newly found wealthy lifestyle.
There are a total of 781 available episodes in The Simpsons.
The role of Maggie Simpson is played by Nancy Cartwright.
The Simpsons is made by Matt Groening.