Jeopardy! aired another episode on November 29, 2024, with another set of great clues and trivia rounds. This year, the show is running its 41st season after receiving immense love and engagement from its fans across the world.
On yesterday's quiz show episode, a returning champion went head-to-head with two new contestants on the stage. However, only one could become the champion of the day, and it was Susan Beachy, who won a total of $9,300.
Jeopardy! is a show where 3 contestants enter the show after passing the 'Anytime Test.' They then go through 3 rounds of questions based on different categories, which are decided for each day. By the end of the day, the person with the maximum earnings wins the championship and then returns on the next episode to add to their cash prize.
Read further to know everything about the November 29 episode.
Who were the contestants on the November 29, 2024 Episode of Jeopardy!
In the latest episode of Jeopardy!, three contestants from across the States stepped on the stage.
Susan Beachy, who is a news researcher from Queens, New York, became the champion of the day. Even after losing $2,500 in a bet on a wrong answer and answering the Final Jeopardy wrong, she still became the highlight of the show by making a total of $9,300.
Nick Pietrowicz, a diplomatic security service special agent from Arlington, Virginia, got himself into second place after making a total of $7,799. He ended up losing $3,001 in the final jeopardy after he answered it incorrectly.
Lauren Day, a returning champion, ended up with nothing in her bank by the end of the day. Sadly, she couldn't continue her streak and ended up in third place.
The Final Jeopardy! question and its solution on November 29
In yesterday's round of Final Jeopardy, the category was "World Airports."
The clue provided to the contestants was,
"This city’s intl. airport opened in 1942, just in time to be the destination of a flight at the end of a movie."
The correct answer to the clue was,
"What is Lisbon?"
Lisbon International Airport was a major neutral airport during World War II. The airport is also known as Humberto Delgado Airport. However, initially, the airport was called Portela and was a hub in Europe for smuggling people in and out of the continent. The hub was also a huge part of the classic 1942 movie Casablanca.
None of the contestants were able to guess the right answer. While Susan guessed Los Angeles, the other two thought it was Casablanca.
Who won the November 29, 2024 episode of
Even though nobody was able to find the right answer in the final round of Jeopardy!, Susan was still able to lead the leaderboard with a total of $9,300.
In the Singer Jeopardy round, she answered 2 questions correctly and won $1,400. She picked up in Double Jeopardy round, her total was $11,800.
However, she ended up losing $2,500 after she bet the sum of a wrong answer.
Susan Beachy became the champion on the November 29, 2024 episode of Jeopardy! You can stream all the episodes on Prime Video.
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