Jeopardy! is back with yet another episode that aired on BravoTV yesterday. After returning for the third time, Mehal Shah entered the competition and went against Adam Hersh and Courtney Schooley. Let us find out if Mehal was able to hit a hat trick and win the championship for the third time.
Season 41 of the show has encountered a lot of exciting moments and fans have never been more thrilled. This week Mehal had everyone on the edge of their seats as his strategic gameplay has won him over $40,000 in the last two episodes. Yesterday Mehal came on stage as a threat to the other two contestants.
However, this turned out to be a bad day for him. The November 22 episode was all about the movies and it turns out that might not be Mehal's cup of tea after all. Defeating Mehal, Adam became the champion yesterday's.
Let's take a look at the recap of yesterday's episode.
Contestants on Jeopardy! November 22, 2024 Episode
Adam Herse
Adam Hersh from Brooklyn, New York is an attorney. In yesterday's episode, Adam broke off Mehal's streak and became the winner. After banking $16,600 in the first rounds, Adam won $12,400, making his total winning $29,000, the highest of the day.
Mehal Shah
Mehal Shah, after winning a two-day streak, came as a returning champion. Mehal is a software engineer from Seattle, Washington. He displayed amazing gameplay and was able to defeat other contenders in the last two episodes of the show. However, Mehal ended up earning a total of $0 (that's right!). After earning a total of $14,400, one incorrect guess "Foile a’deux" made him lose it all. Mehal hit a big downfall from champion to being in third place.
Courtney Schooley
Courtney Schooley, a preschool teacher from Tulsa, Oklahoma, came second. Before the Final Jeopardy! round, she had earned $8,400. Eventually, she ended up almost doubling her earnings by winning $8,201, making it a total of $16,601.
Final Jeopardy! clue and solution on November 22, 2024
The clue for yesterday's Final Jeopardy! was,
In this film Paula Alquist tells Gregory Anton, “Have you gone mad, my husband? Or is it I who am mad?”
The category for this round was "Movies and Psychology."
The correct answer to this clue was,
“What is Paris?'”
The quote provided in the clue comes from a 1944 film called Gaslight. Referring to the clue, Paula Aliquist (played by Ingrid Bergman) is married to Gregory Anton (played by Charles Boyer). Paula's husband is trying to prove to Paula that she is going insane and this is why the movie was called 'Gaslight.'
Out of the three contenders, both Adam and Courtney answered the question correctly. However, Mehal ended up answering incorrectly, losing all his earnings for the day.
Adam Herse became the champion of Jeopardy! November 22, 2024 episode. Do not miss out on another episode and head to BravoTV to watch Adam go against another set of trivia experts.
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