In a refreshingly candid confession, Love is Blind alums Taylor Krause and Garrett Josemans admitted they weren't initially attracted to each other when they first met face-to-face.
During an appearance on the Sorry We're Cyrus podcast, Garrett described the experience:
“It's supposed to be this beautiful, wonderful thing — it's shocking is what it is,”
And proceeded to comment,
“It’s like lightning striking you for 20 minutes, and you walk out of there and you're disoriented, like you forget what she looks like, it's crazy.”
For those unfamiliar with the Netflix phenomenon, Love is Blind throws singles into "pods" where they date and potentially get engaged without ever seeing each other, testing the age-old question: can emotional connection triumph over physical attraction? In Taylor and Garrett's case, it seems the answer was yes – eventually.
Love is Blind alums Taylor and Garrett spill the tea
The couple, now married for a year, spilled the tea about their first in-person meeting on Love is Blind, and it wasn't exactly the fairy tale moment Netflix montages might have you believe.
"Garrett and I weren't initially really attracted to each other,"
Taylor admitted before Garrett quickly jumped in with a clarification that would make any PR person proud:
"Hold on, hold on. Initially, as in at the reveal."
What followed was a description of their first meeting that sounded less like a romantic comedy and more like a surreal art house film. Garrett explained,
"It's supposed to be this beautiful, wonderful thing — it's shocking is what it is. It's like lightning striking you for 20 minutes, and you walk out of there and you're disoriented, like you forget what she looks like, it's crazy."
The reality behind reality TV turns out to be even more awkward than we imagined. Taylor painted a picture of their first encounter that would make any introvert break out in hives:
"It's dead silent, there's like 70 cameras and you're like, 'Okay, we're going to kiss right now.'"
Garrett added to the intense description, noting,
"You can hear your heart pounding and you're just exhausted emotionally afterwards."
The plot thickens when we learn that after their initial meeting on Love is Blind, Garrett confided to his fellow contestants that he wasn't sure if he was "into her." However, by the time they reached their romantic getaway in Cabo, his castmates Ramses Prashad and Tyler Francis had to set him straight.
As Garrett recalls, they told him,
"You were tripping bro," to which he responded, "I know I'm tripping, like I don't know what happened."
Taylor answers whether or not Garrett was her type
In a moment of honesty that probably had the show's creators reaching for their stress balls, Taylor admitted that Garrett isn't her usual physical type.
"Usually I date blond guys, that's why my mom was like, 'He's not your type,'"
She quickly followed up with what sounds like the exact message Love is Blind tries to promote: "But when you talk to him, he is very intelligent and kind and respectful and that's more who I go for."
Taylor's solution to their initial awkwardness was refreshingly straightforward:
"I was like, Less words, less words, [let me] make out with you,'" she laughed,
Before suggesting an improvement to the Love is Blind's format:
"They should really have the staff chanting: 'Kiss, kiss, kiss.'"
Their story proves that sometimes love isn't blind so much as it's slightly nearsighted – it might take a moment to focus, but eventually, the picture becomes clear. And sometimes, that picture turns out better than what you thought you were looking for in the first place.
All seven seasons of Love is Blind is available to stream on Netflix.

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