Arcane, an adult animated steampunk action-adventure television series, will return with season 2 on Netflix in November. Season 2 was also reported to mark the end of the League of Legends adaptation, which increased the anticipation around the series.
Makers have already released an official trailer, character posters, and teaser clips for the show, which have led the fans to discuss various fan theories about their favorite characters.
Like season 1, fans speculate which characters will make it out alive from the series. While the series is expected to kill some side characters, which will impact the main cast, Jayce, one of the main cast members, has not appeared in the trailer for the show. Hence, his fate remains unknown.
After the finale of season 1, the story's central plot is Jinx vs. Vi's long-running feud.
Is Jayce in Arcane Season 2?
Season 1 of the show ended with Jinx's missile slamming into the council shortly after they agreed to a peace treaty with Zaun. This is especially cruel after Jayce's efforts to restore peace were all in vain. While the blast's survivors were not revealed in the finale, it does not look good for Jayce in season 2.
The show's co-creator Christian Linke talks about a pivotal moment for Jayce at the beginning of season 2, saying:
''...there's Jayce starting to get afraid of the weaponization of Hextech...But, of course, a big event happened to the end of season 1, where I'm not going to say what happens, but, it's a big, pivotal moment, right as we get into season 2''
This pivotal moment could insinuate that the character did not survive the blast of season 1. This is mainly because Netflix's trailer did not mention Jayce's character even once. Apart from him, Viktor's survival is not confirmed as he, too, does not appear in the trailer.
Even if he makes it out of the blast, it is almost confirmed that Jayce will suffer a grave danger in season 2, as hinted by Linke. His absence from the trailer could also hint at the show's attempt to create mystery among fans about Jayce's survival.
Reddit fan theories about Jayce's survival on Arcane Season 2
It looks like Arcane's fans are wracking their brains about the absence of Jayce from the season 2 trailer. Here are what Reddit fan theories say about Jayce's fate in season 2:
''imagine if they did kill him. that would be a bold move for sure. and it would set the stakes for not just Arcane but anything Fortiche did afterwards!'', u/chirishman343
One of the users commented that killing Jayce would certainly be a bold move, as he is one of the show's main characters. This would also restrict the makers from using him further in the franchise.
''A Jayce going full rogue, taking down everything that stands in his way of vengeance.'', u/VethokOfTheWild
Another user commented that the character will probably go insane after the final events, seeing all his efforts to restore peace in vain. A Jayce hellbound on vengeance? Now, this would be interesting to see.
''Straight into a coma lol'', u/MidnightX0
Jayce going into a coma may seem unlikely, but it would make sense for the show. While itinitially createse mystery around his character, his reappearance will make all the fans jump with joy.
''I would be so impressed if they killed him. His arc was complete, we saw him do the hammer things...'', u/chadproducer
While some fans want to see their favorite character return in season 2, a user commented that his character arc was complete on the show and that he reached his potential. Killing off his character would make sense for the story.
While these are all theories, Jayce's fate in Arcane Season 2 is yet to be seen. The season 2 premiere will be on Netflix on November 9, 2024.
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