Invincible, an animated series, is proving to be the new wave in superhero genre narration, breaking the conventions of traditional storytelling with its bold, uncompromising approach. The series, by Robert Kirkman, quickly marked itself as different from any typical superhero narrative, with raw and unflinching portrayal of power, family, and moral complexity. Developed from Kirkman's original comic book series, this show has captured audiences through its sophisticated storytelling, graphic action sequences, and deep character development.
"Invincible was always meant to be everything I've ever loved about superhero comics put into one series,"
Kirkman has explained, revealing the core motivation behind his ambitious project. The series stands as a deconstruction of superhero tropes, presenting a world where heroism is not defined by simple good versus evil dynamics, but by nuanced personal choices and complex moral landscapes.
Creative philosophy and comic trope subversion
Kirkman's storytelling style is vastly different from any other superhero story.
"I like to play with the familiar tropes of comics," he said, emphasizing his desire to subvert traditional genre expectations.
His attack on the predictability of comic book storytelling is particularly trenchant.
"Killing characters and bringing back characters has gotten to be a bit too much of a crutch in superhero comics," he said, indicating a need for more substantial storytelling.
The series does everything to disappoint audience expectations as characters come with their vulnerabilities and ambiguities in being good.
Mark Grayson's journey is not a way of the hero but in complexity about legacy, responsibilities, and identity. By making character development above the simplified heroic archetypes, Kirkman makes a story that goes deeper and becomes mature as well.
Developing Invincible universe
The potential for universe-building is something Kirkman finds exciting.
"Having a universe where superheroes exist kind of throws out the rules," he observes.
"You can have aliens and things from another dimension and you can just kind of get silly with it."
This attitude allows for unbridled flexibility in telling the stories-narratives that are now able to range from quite dramatic, even to incredibly imaginative.
Kirkman has big plans for the series, having initially hoped for 7-8 seasons to cover fully the comic book series adapted from the 144 issues in the comic book. Of course, his creative imagination goes way beyond that to up to 10 seasons or even more. The entire production is mapped out each season as a seamless integration that would be able to expand beyond the book.
Amazon Prime Video has shown to be supportive of the series, offering the creative liberty that an ambitious project like this requires. The aim is to do about one season a year, but it is open-ended.
The approach taken allows for very careful storytelling and character development.
Future storytelling and adaptation
To Kirkman, the animated series is a "second draft" of his original comic book work.
"It's fun for me to be able to know everything that happens in the comics and be able to find ways to show more," he says.
From this perspective, there can be a more thorough look at characters and storylines, perhaps revealing depths not fully explored in the original comic series.
The Invincible series has already started airing original episodes and storylines that were not part of the original comics. This shows that Kirkman is committed to making the narrative fresh and unpredictable so that even fans familiar with the source material will have new and exciting content.
More than just another superhero's story, Journey of Invincible presents advanced power exploration, family relationships, and personal responsibility through the lens of its brutality, compassion, and deep humanness. Continued to its evolution, the Invincible series promises challenging expansion in our appreciation of what a superhero's narration can deliver.
With its innovative storytelling, complex characters, and Kirkman's visionary approach, Invincible is bound to be a landmark series in animated storytelling, transcending genre boundaries and redefining audience expectations.