“If I Get Canceled, It Will Be Because of This”: Tell Me Lies showrunner Meaghan Oppenheimer hints at divisive Season 2 drama

Tell Me Lies Season 2 is now streaming l Via: Hulu
Tell Me Lies Season 2 is now streaming l Via: Hulu

Fans of the Hulu original show, Tell Me Lies, should expect a much weirder and darker narrative in season two according to show-runner Meaghan Oppenheimer.

In a chat with Hollywood Reporter, when asked what particular moments Oppenheimer is excited for fans to witness in the upcoming season, she talked about a particular twist in the seventh episode which deals with a decision made by Lucy.

Elaborating further about the twist, she pointed out that this decision is related to something Lucy does in an attempt to help Pippa, which backfires. However, she is apprehensive and curious about the twist and its reception among the fans. Oppenheimer notes,

" I think if I get canceled, it will be because of this."

Tell Me Lies Season 2 spans across multiple timelines and had a two-episode premiere on September 4. These episodes gave the fans a glimpse of the relationship between exes Stephen and Lucy as they return to Baird College, after not being on talking terms following their breakup earlier that summer.

Oppenheimer on the Tell Me Lies Season 2

Tell Me Lies Season 2 might shock the viewers l Via: Hulu
Tell Me Lies Season 2 might shock the viewers l Via: Hulu

Oppenheimer notes in another interview, digging deeper into the structure of the season:

In terms of content, I think we take a lot more risks this season. There are storylines that live in a moral gray area that is really scary and exciting to me.

She also mentioned that this gave rise to heated debates in the writers' room and that she expects similar debates among the audience as well.

She further noted that the writer's room for the show was entirely polarized when she first pitched the idea followed by a detailed discussion.

Oppenheimer pointed out:

And so I was like: “This conversation is why we have to do it, because it’s so polarizing.

Oppenheimer on fan expectations from Tell Me Lies Season 2

Tell Me Lies l Via: Hulu
Tell Me Lies l Via: Hulu

Oppenheimer’s message is pretty clear:

I would also just say a lot is just not what it seems. There are a lot of things you think you kind of know what it is early in the season, and it’s not.

Continuing the conversation on fan expectations, Oppenheimer said that fans will be satisfied with Diana’s arc as it brings out a different side to the character. She also pointed out that Wrigley will have some devastating moments throughout the season which is bound to be well received.

What has happened in Tell Me Lies Season 2 so far?


The first two of the eight-episode season already gave us a glimpse of the deliciously twisted direction the show is going in with moments like Diana and Pippa’s kiss in the 2015 timeline, the breakup of Evan and Bree, and not to forget the introduction of crucial characters like Oliver and Leo.

However, in this interview, she disclosed that there will be palpable tension between Stephen and Lucy as their actions from the past will have due consequences for themselves as well as their close circle of friends.

What has Oppenheimer said about Tell Me Lies Season 3?

Tell Me Lies Season 3 is not yet confirmed l Via: Hulu
Tell Me Lies Season 3 is not yet confirmed l Via: Hulu

When asked if she has any narrative plans chalked out for the still-to-be-green-lit third season, Oppenheimer revealed:

I definitely have some stories in mind. I haven’t planned anything out too detailed yet, but one thing I would like to see is a lot more 2015. I want to see where they go in the future, and I think that everyone is probably going to want Bree to have some justice. I think it’s going to be like justice for Bree, hopefully, if there’s a third season.

Tell Me Lies Season 1 can be streamed on Disney+Hotstar. Both the first season and the recently dropped episodes of the second season can be streamed on Hulu.

New episodes of Tell Me Lies Season 2 drop every Wednesday.

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Edited by Yesha Srivastava