Family Guy is a popular American adult animated TV show by Seth MacFarlane, which premiered on January 31, 1999, on Fox network. The show has been running for 22 successful seasons, and its most recent season was released in October 2024 with a Halloween special. The show revolves around the lives of the dysfunctional Griffin family. It showcases the family dynamics of Peter and Lois, along with their kids—Meg, Chris, and Stewie—and their dog, Brian, who behaves like a human.
The cast of the show includes Seth MacFarlane, Alex Borstein, Mike Henry, Seth Green, Mila Kunis, Patrick Warburton, etc. Mila Kunis plays one of the main characters of the show, Meg Griffin. She joined the cast of Family Guy in 1999 at 15 years old, and 25 years later, she is still part of the cast. Over the years, her salary on Family Guy has increased as the show's popularity grew. Let’s take a look at how much Mila Kunis makes from Family Guy.
How much does Mila Kunis make from Family Guy?
Mila Kunis voices Megan Griffin, the teenage daughter of Peter and Lois Griffin. When she first joined Family Guy, she was just 15 years old, and her salary was relatively lower than what it is today, after 22 seasons. According to Celebrity Net Worth, Mila Kunis used to earn $100,000 per episode on Family Guy. It is estimated that each actor on the cast earned around $2 million per year.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the four main cast members of the show—Alex Borstein as Lois, Seth Green as Chris, Mila Kunis as Meg, and Mike Henry as Cleveland Brown—negotiated a salary increase with 20th Century Fox Television. In 2013, the cast of Family Guy received a salary increase. They were able to negotiate between $175,000 and $225,000 each per episode for two to five more seasons.
Mila Kunis has voiced Meg Griffin since Season 1, Episode 10, and Family Guy has more than 400 episodes. According to Celebrity Net Worth, Kunis has a net worth of $75 million, with most of it credited to Family Guy. She can also earn royalties from the DVD sales, merchandise, and syndication deals of Family Guy.
Who is Mila Kunis?
Milena Markovna Kunis, popularly known as Mila Kunis, is an American actress, born on August 14, 1983, in Chernivtsi, Ukraine. At the age of 9, her father put her in an acting class at the Beverly Hills Studios. She made her TV debut with a minor appearance in the TV show Days of Our Lives in 1994. At the age of 14, she was cast as Jackie Burkhart in American sitcom That '70s Show in 1998. The show went on to run for 8 successful seasons and helped her gain popularity.
In 1999, she joined the cast of Family Guy and replaced Lacey Chabert as Meg Griffin. She is best known for her work in projects like That '70s Show (1998–2006), Family Guy (1999-Present), Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008), Black Swan (2010), Friends with Benefits (2011), etc. For her work, she has been nominated for many awards including the Critics' Choice Movie Awards, Golden Globe Awards, Screen Actors Guild Awards, etc.
In July 2015, she married actor Ashton Kutcher, her co-star from That '70s Show. They began dating in 2012 and got engaged in 2014. The couple has 2 children together- a daughter named Wyatt Isabelle and a son named Dimitri Portwood.
FAQs about Mila Kunis
A. Mila Kunis joined the cast of Family Guy in 1999.
A. Ashton Kutcher is Mila Kunis’s husband.
A. Mila Kunis has 2 kids.