The Netflix series American Primeval, directed by Peter Berg, is an American Frontier set in the 19th century and dramatizes the Utar War. Recently, the show has been facing criticism for historical inaccuracy, especially from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS).
The storyline follows Isaac, who is traumatized after losing his wife and son. The world showcases a violent clash between the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and cultures in the Utah Territory. The miniseries explores what happened during the Mountain Meadows Massacre.
The show is condemned for its misleading portrayal of and depiction of Brigham Young, the second president of the LDS church, as 'villainous' by the Church community. Read on to know in detail.
How historically accurate is American Primeval?
The Mountain Meadows Massacre has been recorded as a devastating event with a series of attacks during the Utah War leading to the mass murder of at least 120 people. The militia was associated with the members of the LDS and killed the members of the Baker-Fancher wagon train traveling from Arkansas to California.
The church said that American Primeval "mischaracterizes events in mid-19th century Utah". The church further adds that the show is based on some "harmful and inaccurate stereotypes." Brigham Young ordered the torching of Fort Bridge, but not as dramatically as shown. Some historians consider it an exaggeration.
The church acknowledges Brigham Young as "a revered prophet and courageous pioneer" in the statement they released on X on 24 January 2025.
The Church reiterated that the Church has always condemned the tragedy and repeatedly stated that the actions taken then represent certain individuals and not the entire faith group. The church has also worked for the betterment of the victims. They criticize the sensational graphics of the series.
"The problem with such deceptive, graphic and sensationalized storytelling is that it not only obscures reality and hinders genuine understanding but can foster animosity, hate and even violence. This is particularly troubling today when peacemakers are needed more than ever. "
They further asserted the message by President Russell M. Nelson during the Sunday morning session of the 193rd Annual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on April 2, 2023. He emphasizes the need for Peacemakers in the contemporary world, especially amidst difficult times.
“The Savior’s message is clear: His true disciples build, lift, encourage, persuade, and inspire—no matter how difficult the situation. True disciples of Jesus Christ are peacemakers. Peacemaking is a choice. I urge you to choose to be a peacemaker, now and always.”
How do the Makers of American Primeval respond to the criticism?
Peter Berg, the director of the show, in an interview with ABC4, answered the backlash by saying that the film comes with its creative liberty. While he acknowledged the criticism, he also said that the core events shown in the mini-series are rooted in historical facts.
The church, however, is not against the fact that the massacre happened but is disappointed with the portrayal of it in the series.
American Primeval is released on Netflix on January 9, 2025.
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