Hollyoaks recap for the week of July 29 to August 2: Kitty Draper's identity comes under scrutiny; Leela’s Growing Concerns; Dave's Confession 

Cleo's Birthday on Hollyoaks | Channel 4

Viewers were engrossed in the drama last week on Hollyoaks as Leela found Joel's journal, which exposed his deep struggles and suppressed feelings.

In the meantime, Dave's emotional return to Cindy's home indicated his resolve to patch things up, which set the stage for a touching exchange in which Cindy, inspired by Peri's counsel, acknowledged how much she missed him.

Further developments included Dave Williams revealing to Cindy a long-kept secret about Lizzie's unborn child. In addition, Kitty's real identity comes into question when she confronts Detective Sergeant Zoe Anderson over hiding Beau at school.

Let's look into the episode-wise recap to prepare for next week's drama on Hollyoaks.

Hollyoaks July 29, 2024: Leela Learns of Joel's Secret Struggle and Kitty's Identity Is In Question

One of the most significant events that took place in the episode of Hollyoaks that aired on July 30, 2024, was Leela's discovery of Joel's journal. As she goes through his notes, she discovers the extent of his pent-up rage and hurt, and she realizes that he has been confronted with a great deal of difficulty. After getting a rose bush from Norma, who is currently in Tuscany, she is becoming increasingly concerned about Joel, and this revelation adds to her growing anxiety for him. This rose bush, which is intended to be planted in memory of Noah, comes with a note that asks the family to take care of Joel, which further emphasizes the vulnerable state that he is.

In the meantime, Zoe shows up at the Hutchinsons' house with several extremely important inquiries for Kitty on a case involving a missing individual. The distinctive tattoo that was described in Kitty's police file appears to be missing, and she is particularly interested in it. Zoe's concern about seeing Kitty alone at Hunter's grave causes Beau's worry to increase, leading her to fear that Kitty might not be who she claims to be. Beau's uneasiness worsens as Zoe reveals her confusion on Hollyoaks.

Aside from that, Dave passionately returns to Cindy's house to move back in and assist her. He clarifies that he is determined to maintain their relationship and not give up on it. When Cindy receives some insightful counsel from Peri, it enables her to comprehend the extent to which she misses Dave and that she cannot conceive of her existence without him. Cindy can disclose her sentiments to Dave due to this moment of vulnerability, which paves the way for reconciliation.

In addition, this episode unfolds a secondary storyline on Hollyoaks involving Ethan and Leah. By the rules, Ethan says that he will not allow Leah, who is underage, to enter The Loft for singles night. Nevertheless, Vicky, who has her sights set on Ethan, decides to attend the event by herself, laying the groundwork for the possibility of romantic developments.

Hollyoaks July 30, 2024: Dave Williams Discloses Lizzie's Baby's Dark Secret

Dave on Hollyoaks | Channel 4
Dave on Hollyoaks | Channel 4

In the episode of Hollyoaks that aired on July 30, 2024, Dave Williams tells Cindy the truth about Lizzie's baby, which brings to light some dark secrets that had been kept hidden for much longer. Lizzie had revealed, before her untimely passing, that she had become pregnant when she was a teenager and had subsequently placed her child for adoption. Following the death of Lizzie, Cindy decided to look for the child despite Dave's reservations about the idea. Cindy had been informed by Dave in the past that he had taken out a loan to pay for the search and that the baby had passed away.

Cindy demands the complete truth in this episode of Hollyoaks, and Dave ultimately gives in to her demands. When he went to the place where Lizzie was staying, he observed a man departing. He describes what happened. He was in a state of fear as he pursued the man, who refused to stop. Dave slammed his brakes just in time to watch the man's car fall over an embankment. He was pleasantly surprised. The man had already passed away by the time Dave arrived at the vehicle. The discovery of a baby blanket in the vehicle came as a complete shock to Dave. The man, who Dave at first believed to be the father, turned out to be a social worker by the name of Philip. Along with his wife and two children, he was also a social worker. It dawned on Dave that he was the one responsible for the deaths of both Philip and the infant.

Dave promised social services that he would inform Lizzie that her kid had passed away, but he never followed through on his promise. The police believed that the circumstance was an accident. Rather than that, he permitted Lizzie to assume that the infant had been adopted. When Dave went to the funeral of his granddaughter, he stood in the rear and looked at the small coffin. He was aware that he was the one who was responsible for all that happened. He made a solemn vow never to reveal the truth, as he thought that it would be more beneficial for Lizzie to remain ignorant than to have her heart crushed.

After being moved by Dave's confession, Cindy decides to forgive him. She recognizes that he has committed a grave error, but she is certain that his love for his family reveals the actual nature of his character, which is the reason why she continues to remain with him.

During his confession, Dave admits that he is unaware of the father's identity. However, viewers are aware that the father is actually Kitty Draper, who had sexual relations with Lizzie for a significant amount of time before she began transitioning.

In a different plot development on Hollyoaks, Beau Ramsey surrenders himself to the authorities after Declan's body is found in Hunter's grave. The episode gets further interesting when Detective Sergeant Zoe Anderson visits the Hutchinsons and informs Kitty that she should admit her involvement. This occurs even though Beau is attempting to accept full responsibility.

Hollyoaks July 31, 2024: Kitty Hides Beau at School as Cindy Demands Answers and Abe's Controlling Behavior Causes Rift

During the episode of Hollyoaks that aired on July 31, 2024, Kitty finds Beau hiding at school. She then asks Tony for the contact information of a lawyer before sending her back to Beau. In the meantime, Cindy confronts Dave about the activities he has taken. During the conversation, Abe is critical of Cleo's family and makes disparaging statements about Theresa. As he continues to insist on his preferences during lunch, Misbah and Donny appear to join them, which causes tensions to increase. Cleo confronts Abe about his negative conduct, but Abe gaslights her by twisting the matter to blame her. Donny makes the suspicion that Abe is misogynistic, and Cleo confronts Abe about his behavior.

Hollyoaks Aug 01, 2024: Beau Ramsay Faces Prison Time for Declan Hawthorne’s Death

Beau Ramsay on Hollyoaks | Channel 4
Beau Ramsay on Hollyoaks | Channel 4

As a result of his continued incarceration for the murder of Declan Hawthorne, Kitty Draper's father, Beau Ramsay, is confronted with challenging circumstances in the episode of Hollyoaks that was broadcast on August 1, 2024. During the beginning of the episode, Kitty's concern increases as a result of Ro Hutchinson being questioned by the police about any possible connections between Beau and Declan.

Kitty, who is experiencing feelings of remorse, pays Beau a visit in jail and informs him that she intends to confess as Beau only killed Declan to protect her. However, Beau prevents her from doing so by claiming that he has a compelling argument for self-defense. Beau's look gives the impression that he does not expect they will see each other shortly; even though he has provided reassurances, the couple's departure is laced with uncertainty.

Tony and Diane pay a visit to Beau in prison at a later time. Beau confesses to them that he has kept Kitty in the dark about the reality. He reveals that his attorney has warned him that the claim that he was acting in self-defense might not be valid because he sought to cover up the murder of Declan. Beau admits solemnly that he will likely spend much time behind bars. He wanted to convey his appreciation to Tony and Diane for being such wonderful parents and for choosing to take him in.

While all of this is going on, Kitty is attending the housewarming celebration that Cleo McQueen is throwing when she gets a phone call from Tony. He reveals to her that Beau has completely cut off all communication with his family and friends, leaving Kitty in a state of heartbreak and isolation.

Hollyoaks Aug 02, 2024: Cleo’s Birthday Drama: Abe Manipulates and Kitty’s True Identity Exposed

Cleo on Hollyoaks | Channel 4
Cleo on Hollyoaks | Channel 4

The episode of Hollyoaks that aired on August 2, 2024, revealed that Cleo's birthday was overshadowed by the emotional upheaval that she was experiencing. Even though she confides in Abe that she does not desire an open relationship, Abe manipulates her by implying that she is an insecure person. John Paul also informs Theresa that he has some reservations regarding whether or not Cleo is suitable for an open relationship.

Although the McQueens throw Cleo a surprise party, she continues to be miserable on Hollyoaks. Misbah offers her support and indicates that she is available to chat with Cleo whenever she wants to chat. She informs Misbah that Abe had spoilt her for her birthday, but Misbah supports her.

While this is going on, Kitty searches for unanswered messages from Abe on the phone that belong to the real Kitty. She responds to Abe, requesting that he leave her alone. Once Abe learns that Kitty's last name is Draper, he begins to develop a sense of suspicion. During the confrontation, he confronts the fake Kitty and demands to know where the real Kitty is located. After being cornered, Kitty divulges that she had a chance to encounter the real Kitty at a women's refuge. During the time that they were attempting to make a clean split, the real Kitty was killed in a car accident. When Abe confesses that he loves the real Kitty, Kitty realizes that he is the person she is trying to escape. Kitty is hurrying to notify Cleo about Abe's potentially harmful behavior, but Abe overhears the conversation.

In a different plotline, Dilly confides in Sienna and Liberty about a book that she discovered in Prince's jacket. The book was purchased by the Prince to fulfill his role as an uncle since Hunter is no longer around. Dilly is sent into a state of fear as a result of Sienna and Liberty questions whether or not it is a cover-up and whether or not Prince wants to establish a family. Prince shares with Dilly his desire to become a father at some point in the future. Because Dilly is eager to start her own family, she recommends that they start a family together. When Zoe learns that Dilly and Prince are contemplating having a child, she immediately feels a sense of hurt.

Dilly regrets being insensitive to Zoe and tells her that she is not alone, although Hunter is not around. Zoe emphasizes to Prince the need to be truthful about the fact that he is the father of her child.

At a different location, Tom finally permits Dillon to drive his automobile. However, Dillon is involved in an accident that causes him to collide with the rear of Sienna and Liberty's vehicle. Tom confesses to Dillon that he, as a driving instructor, does not have the necessary insurance, and he instructs Dillon to lie about who was behind the wheel. Tom is subjected to Dillon's blackmail to receive free lessons.

Questions for the fans of Hollyoaks to ponder:

  • How will Leela handle the revelation of Joel's struggles, and what impact will it have on their relationship?
  • Will Zoe's investigation uncover Kitty's true identity, and what consequences will this have for Beau?
  • Can Cindy and Dave's relationship survive the fallout from his shocking confession about Lizzie's baby?
  • What will happen next with Abe's controlling behavior, and how will Cleo respond to his manipulation?
  • How will Kitty's past continue to affect her present, and what other secrets might she be hiding?

Catch the next episode of Hollyoaks airing Monday to Friday on Channel 4 at 6:30 PM, with a follow-up episode on E4 at 7:00 PM, the following day. Episodes are also available for early streaming on All4. In the US, Hollyoaks is available for streaming on Hulu, with new episodes typically released a day after their UK broadcast.

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Edited by Sezal Srivastava