Grotesquerie Season 1 Episodes 3 and 4 recap: Travis Kelce's role revealed

Travis Kelce in a still from Season 1 of Grotesquerie | Image Source: Hulu
Travis Kelce in a still from season 1 of Grotesquerie | Image Source: Hulu

Grotesquerie continues to amass traction with enthusiasts of horror and crime globally. The series’ dark and demented plot followed by unpredictable and obscene murders and a harrowing truth make it a unique watch.

Apart from the plot, fans have been drawn to one specific character since the FX dropped the drama’s trailer: Travis Kelce.

Kelce is a quarterback for the Kansas City Chiefs and runs a podcast with his brother Jason Kelce titled New Heights. Since details about the Chiefs player have remained undisclosed, fans were intrigued by the role he could play. Well, all doubts were clarified in the newest episodes of season 1: episodes 3 & 4.

Apart from Kelce’s character ‘Eddie,’ the two episodes unraveled something sinister and spicy brewing. With Kelce’s character in the mix, things got a whole lot bizarre for Detective Lois Tryon. Here’s a breakdown of everything that went down in season 1 episodes 3 and 4 of Grotesquerie.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for episodes 3 & 4 of Grotesquerie. Reader discretion is advised.

How did Lois meet her husband Marshall in Grotesquerie Season 1?

Lois and her daughter Merrit don’t have an ideal mother-daughter relationship with each other, as emphasized in episodes 1 & 2 of Grotesquerie. However, they decided to take a leap of faith to amend their bond in the new episodes.

In episode 3, Merrit is in the middle of sending in an audition tape for a reality show she wants in on and asks her judgemental mother to assist her. Despite the playful banter. Merrit goes on to finish her video while Lois bakes her a turducken (an amalgamation of turkey, duck, and chicken).

Lois and Marshall in a still from Grotesquerie | Image Source: Hulu
Lois and Marshall in a still from Grotesquerie | Image Source: Hulu

The duo continues to bond over the meal, reaching a compromise: Merrit would stop bringing up her mum’s alcoholism, while Lois would be more involved and supportive of her daughter’s weight loss journey.

During this beautiful moment, Merrit asks her mother about meeting her dad Marshall who currently requires long-term medical assistance. The scene shifts to a flashback of a young Lois and Marshall casually flirting at a restaurant she waitresses in.

The lovestruck couple didn’t seem to have it easy and it was “brutal” per Lois. The rest of the night ends with more reminiscing, and Lois drinking the night away.

What did a drunk Lois wake up to after her conversation with Merrit in Grotesquerie?

After slight progress with her daughter Merrit and a whole night of drinking, Lois had a very disturbing wake-up call in the morning. A very hungover Lois’s sleep is interrupted by a shell-shocking phone call from her agency. Turns out, there’s another unexplainable crime scene waiting to be inspected by her.

Without wasting a moment, she trudges herself to the scene only to find an obscene mashup of victims. The enigmatic murderer had sewn an array of body parts from different victims in an orderly manner and instead of using a human head - placed a goat head right on top.


Additionally, it seemed like the killer intended to create a spectacle of sorts and planned to exhibit the death at a public spot with balloons around the area and hip music in the background. Another uncanny ordeal is the body was being highlighted via a strobe machine.

Perplexed and horrified, Lois immediately sets out to determine if there was any detail she or her department might have overlooked. In the meantime, she learns about the identities of the victims: they were prostitutes—workers the killer loathes. That's when she decides to bring in a fresh perspective, cueing Sister Megan to weigh in on the motive.

What happens between Father Charles and Sister Megan in Grotesquerie?

Since episode 1 of Grotesquerie Father Charles and Sister Megan seem to be having some sort of chemistry between them. After she meets with Lois and learns of the newest victims, Megan heads back to the church where she’d just missed a heated discussion between members of the church and Father Charles about the Catholic Guardian.

Despite qualms against the paper being raw and too graphic for their taste, Father Charles defended publishing more graphic-like articles staying close to the truth.

After saying his piece, he disappears for a shower. Sister Megan arrives just as he’s getting out of the shower, drenched and with nothing but a towel on, making her nervous.

Nevertheless, she hands in her article about the town’s recent grim murder. Despite things getting rather steamy, the duo decide not to indulge in intimacy at the time. However, their instincts later took over in episode 4! The scene replays with her handing in an article about the ongoing investigation.

Only this time, instead of accepting it, he outright rejects it and demands she adds more horror and elaborates on the killer’s hunger for a new victim. This time, instead of pushing her away, the duo finished what they’d started in episode three, leaving Sister Megan livid with guilt and pleasure.

How does Travis Kelce's character get involved with Lois in Grotesquerie?

Travis Kelce’s characters Eddie and Lois meet each other near the end of episode 3 in Grotesquerie when Lois visits her husband Marshall. The duo have an electric interaction between them causing grounds of speculation for a potential romance. However, at this juncture, Lois was pretty much wasted and just wanted to head home.

Taking notice of her demeanor, Eddie advised against her driving drunk since she could hurt herself. That’s exactly what happened to Lois when she went against his better judgment. Knocked out and out of it, little did she know Hanover was en route to arrest her.

After she wakes up, Hanover explains the cause of her arrest and quietly steps out while Eddie walks in. Soon after exchanging pleasantries, Lois coaxed Eddie to stage an escape with him taking the wheel with their journey continuing in episode 4.

In episode 4, after the commotion and with Lois's issues becoming slightly less complicated, Eddie convinces her to go out with him. Instead of heading to a planned spot, Lois is surprised to discover he brought her to a support group meeting. When she asks him to explain himself, Lois has a lot to contemplate regarding Eddie’s response.

Per his explanation, Eddie used to be a professional skier until his career took an irreversible dip leading him to resort to both alcohol and prostitution. He implored Lois to think about quitting and truly dealing with the root cause of her issues while warning her about the consequences of her actions.

What happened at the end of episode 4 of Grotesquerie?

After her meaningful date with Eddie, Lois heads to church to meet with Father Charles through Sister Megan. Lois and Father Charles get into a rather dour conversation through the confessional of the church. They engaged in a back-and-forth banter about forsaking their town because of an archaic and wicked presence lurking.

After an intense session at the confessional, she heads home to find her daughter Merrit greeting her by the door. An unaware Merrit revealed she solved a bewildering puzzle that was left at a doorstep. Alarm bells begin ringing in Lois’ head after the puzzle unveils coordinates to an unknown locality - a clue from the killer.

Without wasting any time, she rings up Eddie to watch over Merrit while she and Sister Megan head to the conspicuous location. Upon reaching, they were both greeted by a roaring fire pit resembling the real-life gates of hell (Derweez, Turkmenistan).

Someone named Dr. John Ritter briefs the ladies about how frequent earthquakes led to a natural gas deposit exploding. Sister Megan and Lois decide to head to the valley and spend the night at a motel where they could be safe.

However, during their journey, Sister Megan drops a bombshell on Lois confessing her affair with Father Charles.

Sister Megan believes every bad ordeal they’ve seen at the location was an aftermath of her illicit affair with Father Charles. Just as she was rambling Lois hit the breaks startling both.

She stopped ahead of an anonymous woman drenched in blood from head to toe who began urging them to escape from a malicious “someone.” When Sister Megan and Lois enquired about this fearful individual, she simply said “Him.”

Season 1 of Grotesquerie can be binged on either Hulu or FX.

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Edited by Sezal Srivastava