Goosebumps season 2 continues the Disney+ and Hulu supernatural horror series with a new story. Subtitled The Vanishing, the season focuses on Anthony, whose brother, Matty, disappeared in 1994 along with three other kids at a military fort.
When Anthony and his twins return to his hometown to spend the summer, their fate is once again tied to the event that happened 30 years ago. This time, the twins, Cece and Devin, and their friends encounter something in their home’s basement that puts their lives in danger.
After eight thrilling episodes, the show answers all the burning questions in the finale, revealing if Anthony is able to save his kids, and uncover the mystery of his brother’s disappearance. Here is all you need to know about the ending of Goosebumps Season 2.
Goosebumps season 2 ending explained: What happened to Matty?
In 1994, Matty and his high school friends entered the Fort Jerome, also known as Camp Nightmare, as part of a senior-year dare. Anthony was worried about his brother, so he secretly followed the group.
As the kids explored the fort, a power surge took place that opened a hidden underground vault and released mysterious alien spores. When Matty and his friends came into contact with the spores, they vanished.
Goosebumps season 2 reveals they did not die, instead, they were trapped in pods inside an alien ship beneath the fort. The aliens crash-landed on Earth in 1968 and had been locked inside the fort since then.
The spores connected the kids to the spaceship and kept them in a strange frozen state. One of Matty’s friends, Hannah, managed to capture what happened on video before she was taken. Years later, Hannah’s ghost appears to Devin, trying to guide him and his friends toward finding out the truth about the fort.
Goosebumps season 2 ending explained: Is Anthony able to save the kids?
By the end of Goosebumps season 2, Anthony and the kids realize that the alien ship is not trying to destroy Earth, instead, the aliens only want to leave the planet. The ship and the spores became defensive after humans experimented on them for decades.
Anthony comes up with a risky plan to save his kids and injects the ship with a serum that can neutralize the spores and calm the alien presence. He wears a hazmat suit and enters the heart of the ship while putting his own life in danger.
Meanwhile, the kids create a power outage and open a hatch to escape. They manage to get out, but Anthony is left behind, who finds Matty and his friends still trapped in pods. He uses the serum to free his brother and the others. Just before the hatch closes, Anthony escapes with Matty, bringing him back to the surface.
Goosebumps season 2 ending explained: Why does Matty decide to go with the aliens?
After Matty and his friends are freed, it is revealed that their connection to the alien ship is permanent. The years in the pods have changed their bodies, and they eventually transform into monstrous creatures.
Matty explains to Anthony that he and his friends belong to the aliens now. He reassures his brother that it is time for him to let go and focus on his own family. This gives Anthony a much-needed closure after 30 years.
Goosebumps season 2 ends with Matty and the aliens leaving Earth, while Anthony and his kids return to their normal lives. However, Trey, one of the teens who helped fight the alien threat, starts showing signs of infection. He vomits black goo, hinting that the spores may not be gone for good.
All episodes of Goosebumps season 2 are available to stream on Disney+ and Hulu.