Stars Hollow was back in business this holiday season with the exciting reunion of Gilmore Girls stars Lauren Graham, Scott Patterson, and Sean Gunn. The three actors returned to their loved roles of Lorelai Gilmore, Luke Danes, and Kirk Gleeson for a cheerful Walmart commercial that brought immense joy to the fans.
Full of touching moments and many Easter eggs, the ad gives a reference to the series' famous moments while showing surprising character growth. One special Easter egg connects to Luke's former comment regarding Jess.
The ad starts by showing Walmart packages being carried by Kirk who returns to Luke's Diner. There's a soft fall of snow during which the final scene takes place, all set against the lovely old la-la. Shortly after, Loralai enters and says "Coffee, coffee, coffee!" and Luke gifts a new Keurig coffee maker to her.
But the clever nods to Gilmore Girls don’t stop there!
How Walmart’s ad tapped into Gilmore Girls’ nostalgia
Walmart's ad shows Stars Hollow with careful detail, from the blue town square sign to the hardware store banner outside Luke's Diner. Fans quickly saw the Stars Hollow Gazette box, which references Rory Gilmore's story as a journalist in A Year in the Life. The snowy background brings back the magical winter feel that is known from the show.
Luke and Lorelai’s wedding rings, which first appeared in Netflix’s revival, are also shown clearly, making fans happy as they celebrate their marriage. According to Collider, the ad uses these elements to honor the show’s history while creating new happy moments for fans.
Instagram reactions highlight this success:
“Hearing Lauren/Lorelai say ‘Coffee, coffee, coffee!’ in the year 2024 healed something in me 😭❤️,” one user wrote.
While another commented,
“Stars Hollow lives on! 😭😭”
The real Easter Egg in the Gilmore Girls reunion is Luke's growth
There's one Easter egg which is a telling reminder of the change in Luke and Jess's characters. In the original series, Luke would regularly berate Jess for getting a job at Walmart, deeming it a creation of corporate evilness.
But in 2024, Luke has mellowed. His decision to place an order from Walmart (that too online, as Kirk brings the package over) for Lorelai illustrates maturation and welcoming change together with stability while holding onto his core identity.
This full-circle moment thrills Gilmore Girls fans online.
One Instagram user joked,
“Is Jess still Employee of the Month at Walmart?”
Another wrote,
“Full-circle moment + character development for Luke since he gave Jess a hard time when he worked at Walmart.”
This is a small but important detail showing how time works its magic even on the strongest Gilmore Girls characters.
Fan reactions show memories and hope for more
This advertisement brought a lot of people to an emotional level and they demanded more Gilmore Girls content.
"I'm crying. Lorelai and Luke are so amazing. I really need new episodes!" one fan said on Instagram.
Another one wrote,
"Hearing the la-las and seeing Stars Hollow again felt like being home."
People noticed details and feelings in the show and wanted it back. There was even a joke about other fan favorites like Jess and Rory showing up more.
The Walmart ad shows how strong Gilmore Girls is as a cultural event that still attracts not only old fans but also new viewers.
Enjoy the magic of Gilmore Girls by catching all seven seasons and the Netflix revival, A Year in the Life, on Netflix.
Whether it is winter, fall, or whatever the season, Stars Hollow awaits!

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