Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist is a Peacock Original series. Directed by Craig Brewer, it is based on true events that took place on October 26, 1970, in Atlanta, Georgia. The series revolves around a heist that occurred during a historic boxing match between Muhammad Ali and Jerry Quarry, a fight significant for Atlanta and the Black community.
Ali’s fight was symbolic, representing his stand against the Vietnam War, aligning with his religious beliefs and his opposition to American policies. Atlanta was chosen for the fight because it had no laws governing boxing and was emerging as a new entertainment hub. Keep reading this article as we explore the release date, plot, cast, and everything else you need to know.
Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist release date
Filming for the series began on February 12, 2024, in Atlanta and was released on September 5, 2024, by Peacock Original. All 8 episodes of Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist were released together on that date.
What is Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist about?
The series introduces characters based on real people, such as Frank Moten, Chicken Man, Detective J.D. Hudson, and Cadillac. Their lives were intertwined with the events of that night. Detective J.D. Hudson was tasked with protecting Ali, who had received death threats.
In Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist, Hudson knew Chicken Man, a hustler from a prior arrest. The heist, organized by Emerson Dorsey, McKinley Rogers, and Willie Black, resulted in several mysterious deaths, with most suspects killed before an investigation. While rumors suggested Chicken Man was dead, he survived and later became a pastor.
The podcast reveals that Richard Cadillac Wheeler was thought to be the heist’s mastermind. The exact amount stolen remains unknown, and the mystery persists. The show aims to capture 1970s Atlanta’s atmosphere while exploring these socio-political dynamics with a blend of crime, history, and drama.
Cast list of Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist
This comedy-action thriller series has created a lot of buzz among fans, especially with Kevin Hart in the cast. Here is the complete cast list for Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist:
- Kevin Hart - Gordon Williams as Chicken Man
- Exie Booker - Derrick Tex Patterson
- Nala Thompson - Joy Williams
- Ananda Palmore - Debra
- Brian Jalbert - Jerry Quarry Corner Man
- Atkins Estimond - Silky Brown
- Leslie Black - Wanda
- Shawn Alexander Thompson - Smoking Pedestrian
- Marcus Lewis - Thing 1
- Gabrielle E Jackson - Gwen Williams
- Derrick Goodman Jr. - Smoking Pedestrian
- Miko DeFoor - Ulysses The Mortician
- Samuel L. Jackson - Frank Moten
- Taraji P. Henson - Vivian Thomas
- Don Cheadle - J. D. Hudson
- Terrence Howard - Cadillac Richie
- Rockmond Dunbar - Uncle Willie
- Michael James Shaw - Lamar
With Kevin Hart at the center, you can expect a lot of laughs and some serious action sequences. This comedy-action thriller series is set to captivate fans. Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist promises an entertaining blend of action and comedy, with a star-studded cast and a thrilling storyline, making it a must-watch for fans of heist movies.
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