Eyes Of Wakanda is an upcoming animated series that will consist of four episodes. A spin-off of the two MCU Black Panther movies, the series is said to chronicle the history of Wakanda and, reportedly, tie into the larger MCU timeline. At the center of the series are Wakandan warriors referred to as the Hatut Zaraze. It will be released on August 6th this year, although information about the show is still scarce.
With Eyes of Wakanda Marvel fans will return to Wakanda nearly three years after Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, which was released in 2022. It's important to note that the animated anthology series is canon to the sacred timeline. The popularity of the Black Panther movies should help drive interest in the animated series. The synopsis for Eyes Of Wakanda reads:
"Marvel Animation’s new action-adventure series 'Eyes of Wakanda' follows the adventures of brave Wakandan warriors throughout history. In this globe-trotting adventure, the heroes must carry-out dangerous missions to retrieve Vibranium artifacts from the enemies of Wakanda. They are the Hatut Zaraze and this is their story."
What is the plot for Eyes Of Wakanda?
In this animated series, we follow Hatut Zaraze (meaning "Dogs of War"), a group of Wakandan warriors assigned dangerous missions across the globe. Described as Wakanda's CIA, the Hatut Zaraze, or War Dogs, are tasked with retrieving the stolen Vibranium artifacts. They were hinted at in the first Black Panther movie, where the term "War Dog" was used.
Lupita Nyong'o's Nakia was introduced as a "war dog". She mentioned this in a 2018 interview:
"I can say that Nakia, when we meet her, is a War Dog which means she's one of Wakanda’s CIA members. Her job is to spy around the world and report back to Wakanda to keep Wakanda safe and keep Wakanda informed ... I think as a War Dog, she is in service to her country and to her passion, which is linked to the outside world ... I think we see in this film, Nakia has to figure out what comes first for her, [country or king.]"
In an interview on January 15, 2025, Marvel Animation Head Brad Winderbaum described this elite team of warriors as the CIA of Wakanda. He further explained:
"They often have to venture out to regain stolen Vibranium, but they also have to keep secrets well-hidden so that Wakanda can ward off invaders and stay safe. The Hatut Zaraze are challenged in different ways to stay loyal to Wakanda as they discover the rest of the world around them."
Based on the quote above, we can infer that Eyes Of Wakanda will showcase how different Wakandan War Dogs completed their dangerous missions and retrieved stolen Vibranium in the past. However, some might be wondering why the show is animated rather than live-action. Showrunner Todd Harris addressed this question by saying:
“Animation is the ultimate equalizer of locations. Egypt costs just as much as New York City, and the moon costs just as much as Ohio. Filming around the globe has inherent limitations that we just don’t have in animation. That freedom allowed us to reimagine an idealized version of an era that’s unaffected by human history.”
How does Eyes Of Wakanda tie into the MCU?
One unique aspect of this show is that it's the first Marvel animated project to be a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. During his July 2024 appearance on The Official Marvel Podcast, Winderbaum teased:
"Eyes Of Wakanda, more than any other show we're doing in animation, ties in the MCU... It's both about the history of Wakanda, but it also expands into the greater MCU at different time periods. So if you're a fan of the movies, I think this show is going to be a real treat."
Are you excited for the release of Eyes Of Wakanda on August 6, 2025, on Disney+? As of now, the release schedule for the show is still unknown. Do you think Marvel will drop all four episodes at once like they did for Echo, or will they release the episodes weekly? Let us know your thoughts!
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