Every Breaking Bad villain, ranked from least to most evil

Gustavo Fring in Breaking Bad | Image via: Sony Pictures Television
Gustavo Fring in Breaking Bad | Image via: Sony Pictures Television

Breaking Bad is a series that will have you bewitched by the baddest guys out there. While you can't help but keep rooting for some of them, who are more tragic than terrifying, others will simply make your blood boil with anger. Almost every character in this critically acclaimed 2008 show exists in the morally grey area, some more than others.

It takes you through a journey of soaring ambition, ruthless corruption, and moral collapse that exposes the darkest corners of human nature. From petty criminals and frauds to violent, psychotic drug lords and mass-murderers, the Breaking Bad universe is filled with antagonists. These villains play a crucial role in the series. Here is a list of the top 10 most brutally significant villains, ranked, from Breaking Bad.

1. Tyrus Kitt

Tyrus Kitt in Breaking Bad | Image via: Sony Pictures Television
Tyrus Kitt in Breaking Bad | Image via: Sony Pictures Television

Tyrus Kitt is a calm yet threatening character in Breaking Bad, played by Ray Campbell. His menacing looks are enough to send chills down your spine. Tyrus was one of the bad guys who worked as the right-hand man for Gustavo Fring, alongside Victor and Mike. He looked after Gus’ illegal operations and meth empire and was a dominant figure among his security team.

Even with his limited screen time, Tyrus brought a quiet, brooding intensity every time he showed up. Whether he commanded discipline in the meth lab by just raising his eyebrows at Walter and Jesse or was carrying out some of the deadliest dealings, he served as a constant reminder that crossing him, or his boss, was like directly inviting trouble.

2. Krazy-8

Krazy 8 in Breaking Bad | Image via: Sony Pictures Television
Krazy 8 in Breaking Bad | Image via: Sony Pictures Television

Domingo Gallardo Molina, known as Krazy 8, is a low-level meth distributor in the series, Breaking Bad. In one of the intense scenes, we get a glimpse of his unpredictable and twisted nature when he thrashes Jesse and holds Walter at gunpoint, forcing him to reveal their pure meth formula.

However, despite his criminal record and ruthless demeanor, Krazy 8 had a vulnerable and humane side that made him stand out from the more cold-blooded villains in the show. The character, portrayed by Max Arciniega, left a lasting impact on the audience. His time in Jesse's basement and his interactions with Walter played a crucial role in shaping a significant arc of the storyline and the main characters.

3. Hector Salamanca

Hector Salamanca in Breaking Bad | Image via: Sony Pictures Television
Hector Salamanca in Breaking Bad | Image via: Sony Pictures Television

Hector Salamanca was once a fierce and prominent drug lord from the Salamanca family. He was such a terrifying character that, even with his physical limitations, he did not fail to make your blood run cold. Not only was he confined to a wheelchair, but he also could not speak. Thus, there was a bell (more like a knell) attached to his chair. And each time he'd ring his bell, ours would skip a beat, knowing that danger was on its way.

Hector’s belief that “La familia es todo,” meaning ‘family is everything,’ comes with a side of sheer cruelty. His cold stare and indomitable willpower despite his handicapped condition make him one of the most unforgettable villains in the Breaking Bad universe.

4. Don Eladio Vuente

Don Eladio Vuente in Breaking Bad | Image via: Sony Pictures Television
Don Eladio Vuente in Breaking Bad | Image via: Sony Pictures Television

Don Eladio Vuente, portrayed by Steven Bauer, was a cold-hearted mafia boss in the drug empire who co-founded and ran the Mexican cartel along with Hector Salamanca and Juan Bolsa. People feared the very mention of his name.

One of the most brutal and chilling scenes in the entire series was when young Gus and his partner, Max, first came to Don Eladio with a business offer. Eladio, offended by the fact that Gus had supplied meth to his men without his approval, ordered Max’s execution right before his eyes. This moment perfectly captured the character’s violent, unruly nature and thirst for power. He remains one of the most terrifying villains in Breaking Bad.

5. Tuco Salamanca

Tuco Salamanca in Breaking Bad | Image via: Sony Pictures Television
Tuco Salamanca in Breaking Bad | Image via: Sony Pictures Television

Taking his family's drug business forward, Tuco Salamanca is an erratic, unpredictable, and completely hysterical character who remains one of the most dangerous bad guys in Breaking Bad. We get a brief look at his irrational behaviour when Jesse, on behalf of Walter and himself, approaches Tuco to negotiate a business deal. Tuco’s men beat Jesse so severely that he ends up in the hospital, and Tuco also steals the meth Jesse had brought with him.

His mere presence keeps you on edge, as he could turn the simplest conversation into a bloodbath. Tuco's villainy shines not just in his over-the-top aggressive reactions but also in how he carries himself with a sort of wild, offbeat arrogance.

6. Todd Alquist

Todd Alquist in Breaking Bad | Image via: Sony Pictures Television
Todd Alquist in Breaking Bad | Image via: Sony Pictures Television

One of the most shrewd, calculated, and pretentious villains in Breaking Bad, Todd Alquist was the nephew of brutal gang leader Jack Welker. He put on a false appearance of a naive and harmless guy during his initial days of working with Walter and Jesse in the secret lab, manufacturing methamphetamine.

However, his dark side soon came to light when he remorselessly shot the little boy who had witnessed them during the epic train heist and later, when he killed Andrea to make Jesse fear him. It was one of the most disturbing twists in the series. Todd, played by Jesse Plemons, is not a typical sociopath in the criminal world. The way he internally justified his brutality and indifference, as if it were all just part of his job, reveals a deeply unsettling side of his character.

7. Marco & Leonel Salamanca aka The Cousins

Leonel Salamanca and Marco Salamanca in Breaking Bad | Image via: Sony Pictures Television
Leonel Salamanca and Marco Salamanca in Breaking Bad | Image via: Sony Pictures Television

The Salamanca twins, Marco and Leonel, were a peak example of badass mafia behaviour. As the cartel’s hitmen, they seemed to have taken the proverb ‘Action speaks louder than words’ way too seriously. Without saying much, they executed the deadliest operations in the calmest, most composed manner.

Their sheer lack of empathy and expressionless faces were enough to scare you to death. They stand as one of the most evil duos, capable of going to any extent to get a job done. No one dared to mess with them. One of the most brutal and unpleseant scenes was when The Cousins take down Tortuga, the DEA informant, showcasing their sheer wickedness.

8. Gustavo Fring

Gustavo Fring in Breaking Bad | Image via: Sony Pictures Television
Gustavo Fring in Breaking Bad | Image via: Sony Pictures Television

Gustavo Fring is like the calm before the storm. His blank, inexpressive outward appearance hides a heart of pure ruthless evil. Played by Giancarlo Esposito, Gus is the mastermind behind an extensive drug trade, which he runs alongside his fast-food chicken business: Los Pollos Hermanos. Gus is one of the most ruthless villains out there, maintaining his cool even in the gravest, most dangerous situations.

The way he leads his dual life, maintaining a reputable public image as a successful restaurant chain entrepreneur while secretlt running a vast illegal drug empire, is somehow both fascinating and terrifying. Whether through manipulation or cold-blooded murder, he had a strategic way of dealing with hurdles that reflected his absolute malicious nature.

9. Jack Welker

Jack Welker in Breaking Bad | Image via: Sony Pictures Television
Jack Welker in Breaking Bad | Image via: Sony Pictures Television

The head of a notorious criminal gang, Jack Welker, was a white supremacist who became one of the most shockingly inhuman villains in Breaking Bad. We get a sneak peek at his tyrannical nature as he leaves a trail of bloodshed without even a shred of pity.

He was so determined in his violent ways that he'd not even think twice before sacrificing anyone and everyone who stood as an obstacle in his path. One of the most chilling and heart-wrenching scenes in the entire show was when Jack ordered his gang to take down Hank Schrader in the desert. His brutal, sadistic impulse exposed him as an outright monster.

10. Walter White

Walter White in Breaking Bad | Image via: Sony Pictures Television
Walter White in Breaking Bad | Image via: Sony Pictures Television

According to Aristotle, Walter White would be a true tragic hero, owing to his deeply flawed nature, which compels him to take a series of questionable decisions, and ultimately, dig his own grave. However, in Breaking Bad, Walter, played by Bryan Cranston, soon turns from a hero to a villain of his own story, when his hunger for power and success grew insatiable.

Started as a chemistry professor with a happy family, Walter assumed the alter-ego of a drug kingpin under the name Heisenberg, after he was detected with Cancer. He wanted to make sure his family was well off even after his death. However, Walter ended up becoming his own greatest enemy.

He goes on a rampage, ruthlessly killing people and manipulating, deceiving his closest ones, aptly spiraling his descent into evil. Whether it is his partner Jesse, or his wife Skyler, none escaped his wrath. One of the most vicious moments that proves him to be the ultimate villain in Breaking Bad was when he so schematically and vindictively executed the murder of Gus Fring.

Edited by Ritika Pal
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