The story of Dune: Prophecy takes place 10,000 years before the Dune movies. It tells the story of Valya Harkonnen as she leads her Bene Gesserit in an attempt to stop a prophecy known as "The Reckoning". The cast includes Emily Watson, Travis Fimmel, Mark Strong, Olivia Williams, and Jodhi May.
The show is an American science fiction television series created by Diane Ademu-John and Alison Schapker for HBO. Dune: Prophecy follows the creation of the Bene Gesserit in Frank Herbert's Dune universe as a formidable social, religious, and political force in a world with superhuman powers achieved through years of intense training.
The first two episodes of the show portray how Valya Harkonnen came to control the Bene Gesserit and what her plan was to rule the Empire. She planned to place Princess Ynez, the daughter of Emperor Corrino, on the throne. Desmond Hart tried to stop this after narrowly surviving an attack by a sandworm on Arrakis.
**Disclaimer: This article will comprise spoilers for the show **
What date and time will the third episode of Dune: Prophecy come out?
Dune: Prophecy Episode 3 premieres on HBO and Max on Sunday, 1st December at 9 pm ET/6 pm PT.
Episode times may vary by region. To find out when the third episode will air in your region, check the table provided below.
What will happen in the third episode of
Dune: Prophecy?
Dune: Prophecy Episode 3, titled Sisterhood Above All, will see major plot twists in an increasingly charged storyline for both Desmond Hart, a tool of the Emperor, and Valya Harkonnen. The tension was high in Episode 2, and it will continue to establish events that will affect the trajectory of the series as a whole.
The young Pruwet Richese died under mysterious circumstances on Salusa Secundus. The end of Episode 2 left the Empire and the Sisterhood in disarray. Whether or not there was any reason for the deaths, the involvement of the Sisterhood suggests greater political and personal stakes.
Episode 3 will also see the implications of Desmond Hart as a tool of Emperor Corrino. Desmond Hart, who killed Pruwet and Mother Kasha in the previous series, is still doing the Emperor's bidding, carrying out tasks that further the Empire's goals. This situation leads to a tense confrontation between Desmond and Valya Harkonnen, heightening the main conflict of the series.
A recap of Dune: Prophecy episode 2
The second episode of Dune: Prophecy picks up where the first episode left off, but this time with the witnessing of the fiery death of Kasha, the Emperor's Sage.
At the same time, however, the wedding of Princess Ynez of House Corrino and young Pruwet of House Richese is called off when, in a moment of ritual sacrifice Pruwet is burned to death by the inscrutable Desmond Hart.
Episode 2 deals with the corruption of politics and its acceptance of violence. The Emperor, a seemingly "good man", goes from arresting Desmond to freeing him and using Desmond's deadly abilities to his advantage for political motives.
Meanwhile, the bloodshed and death have a further effect on the Sisterhood, this time leading to a good duel between Valya of the Sisterhood and Desmond Hart of House Corrino.
The show is available for fans to stream on HBO.