Continuing the Inside Out franchise, a brand new show titled Dream Productions premiered on Disney+ on December 11, 2024. The show focuses on Riley, the protagonist of the Inside Out films, and sneaks into her mind when she is 12 years old, meaning right between the time of the two Inside Out movies.
As it is quite evident from the name itself, Dream Productions follows the part of Riley’s mind that’s responsible for producing dreams. Since Riley is gradually growing up, it becomes the responsibility of Paula Persimmon, the director of the dream studio in Riley’s mind, to create appropriate and good dreams for her.
Let us now explore more details about Dream Productions, including its release date, plot, cast, and more.
Also read: Will there be an Inside Out 3? Possibilities of the sequel explored
Dream Production release date
Dream Productions premiered on Disney+ on December 11, 2024. The first season consists of 4 episodes and all the episodes were dropped together on the streaming site.
To watch Dream Productions, viewers would need to have a subscription to Disney+. The streamer currently offers different plans, like
- Disney+ Basic at $9.99 per month
- Disney+ Premium $15.99 per month or $159.99 per year.
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Dream Productions plot
This new Pixar show treats one corner of Riley’s mind as a filming studio that is responsible for the production of her dreams. This part of her mind is designed like any studio in Hollywood and is run by Paula Persimmon, a veteran director.
As she faces budget crunches and tight deadlines, Paula works relentlessly with Xeni, a young and aspiring director, to produce fresh dreams for Riley. Since the quality of dreams will directly affect Riley’s state of mind, Paula has to take her job very seriously.
Moreover, since Riley’s age does not really align with dreams of rainbows and princesses anymore, Paula gets instructed to create mind-blowing dreams for her as otherwise she might get demoted.
As Paula and Xeni try their best to make Riley’s dreams beautiful, a documentary crew follows them around to understand the whole production process, giving the show the feeling of a mockumentary. Each episode is 25 minutes long.
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Dream Productions cast
Dream Productions has fewer cast members than Inside Out 2 but that’s understandable since this one is a prequel. In this show, only the major emotions of Riley are shown and focused on. Kensington Tallman voices Riley in the show as she does in the Inside Out movies.
The rest of the cast members include
- Paula Pell as Paula Persimmon
- Maya Rudolph as Jean Dewberry
- Richard Ayoade as Xeni
- Amy Poehler as Joy
- Ally Maki as Janelle
- Lewis Black as Anger
- Phyllis Smith as Sadness
- Liza Lapira as Disgust
- Tony Hale as Fear
More about Dream Productions
Mike Jones serves as the developer and executive producer of Dream Productions. He also directed the series along with Austin Madison and Valerie LaPointe. Jaclyn Simon served as a producer while Jones donned the hat of showrunner as well.
Dream Productions managed to get a smaller budget than most Pixar projects and because of that the initial plan of making the episode 7 episodes long had to be reduced to 4 episodes only.
All 4 episodes of Dream Productions Season 1 can be streamed on Disney+.
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