One of the engaging comedy-drama series, Younger, concluded in 2021 with Season 7, which focused on the story of Liza Miller (Sutton Foster), a 40-year-old single mother who encounters problems in both her personal and professional life. Her life drastically changed after her divorce, followed by her daughter moving to another country.
As Liza's responsibilities as a mother no longer hold her back, she decides to return to work. However, Liza soon realizes that it's not easy for a woman of her age to fit into the highly competitive and youth-centered publishing industry.
To get past the ageist mindset of the industry, Liza decides to pretend to be a 26-year-old woman, eager to join a competitive industry. As a result, she succeeds in securing a job as an assistant to Diana Trout at Empirical Press.
Another intriguing plot point surrounding Liza's story is her on-again, off-again connection with Josh (Nico Tortorella). Since Younger has now debuted on Netflix, fans are curious to learn if Josh becomes her endgame.
As seen in the Season 7 twist, Charles (Peter Hermann) proposes to Liza, but she declines his proposal, and the two ultimately break up. The 40-year-old then reconnects with Josh at a bar, but the Younger finale doesn't reveal if the two end up together as a couple or if it was just a brief moment between Liza and Josh.
Continue reading to learn more about Liza and what Sutton Foster had to say about her character's love life in Younger.
Who does Liza end up with in the Younger TV series finale?
Following the debut of Younger on Netflix, new fans are excited to dive into Liza's journey, as she's an incredibly talented and determined woman. Apart from her work life, the TV series also focuses on Liza's love relationships, especially with Josh, who's younger than her, but the two have a strong emotional and physical connection.
Liza even had a mature and stable relationship with Charles, but despite that, Liza couldn't feel a strong bond. Finally, in the series finale titled "Older," Liza makes a decision not to continue her love life with Charles and unexpectedly meets Josh at the bar.
While Liza is surprised to see Josh, he says, "You know what? I've been right here, by your side, all along," hinting that he still harbors feelings for Liza, but she doesn't say anything about their relationship. With this, Younger ends, leaving fans to speculate whether Liza and Josh have a future together or if their chapter is truly closed.
What did Sutton Foster say about Liza's love life?
Sutton Foster brought Liza to life and made waves among fans through her engaging portrayal. The actress also talked about how Younger ended without giving a clear answer about Liza and Josh's relationship.
During her interview with Variety, Sutton explained that the writers intentionally left the ending open for interpretation. She said:
"I would be lying if I said that as we were playing the scene, there wasn’t a hint of familiarity, affection, and possibility. I don’t know..."
Foster continued:
"I think Darren intentionally left it open-ended, which I love. It really is up to the viewer to decide what they think. I don’t know what Darren’s intention was. I think he really purposely wanted it to be left as a possibility."
Not only this, but the actress even mentioned, "We’ll have to see when we do the reunion in five years!" when talking about the finale scene. So does that mean fans might get an answer to the big question? We'll have to wait and see if this comes true.
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