Arcane is a critically acclaimed Netflix animation show based on the popular multiplayer game League of Legends, which was released in 2009. The show explores the origins of the two iconic League of Legends characters, Vi and Jinx, who are sisters. The story highlights the war between the 2 rival cities- Piltover and Zaun. It is one of the highest-rated shows on Netflix and gained millions of views within the first week of release for both seasons.
Among the popular League of Legends characters, Heimerdinger is also featured in the show. He is one of the main characters of the show. Fans were curious to know what happened to his character at the end of Season 2. Let’s take a look at what happens to Heimerdinger at the end of the show and whether he dies or not.
Did Heimerdinger die in Arcane?
In Season 2, Episode 7 of Arcane, titled ‘Pretend Like It’s the First Time,’ Heimerdinger faces a dramatic turning point. Due to a glitch in Hextech, Heimerdinger and Ekko ended up in a parallel universe where Hextech was not invented. Heimerdinger enjoyed his time in the alternate Zaun as it was peaceful and in a healthy state. He met and communicated with the citizens of that place and invented things for them.
At first, Heimerdinger tries to convince Ekko to spend their life in this universe. But after Ekko requests him, he decides to help him develop the device to return to their universe. He along with Ekko and the alternate universe’s Jinx were able to make a small and unstable device. Heimerdinger continues his research on the device and creates a version that will help them return.
As they prepare to leave and Ekko enters the machine, Heimerdinger reveals that it was his plan to return with Ekko, as someone is needed to operate the machine. As Heimerdinger connects the power cable, the machine activates, but the activation causes him to vanish. Before sacrificing himself, he confesses to Ekko that since he met him he has truly lived.
Who is Heimerdinger?
Cecil B. Heimerdinger is a scientist and professor, a respected figure in the city of Piltover, as he was one of its founders. He is a Yordle and an immortal who has lived for three centuries. He helps young intelligent students at the Academy. He was the one who discovered Viktor, brought him to Piltover, and later offered him the position of assistant. He was a mentor to many students with potential, as he had a deep love for his people, education, and science.
Heimerdinger was always concerned about the safety of the citizens of his city. When he warned Jayce about the danger of his invention, Jayce ignored him and continued working on his Hextech project. After some time, he along with Viktor pitched Hextech plans to Heimerdinger and he told them to destroy this invention as it is dangerous. Disappointed by the objection, Jayce forced him to retire from the council. After his retirement, he went to Zaun and met Ekko and the firelights there.
Mick Wingert is the voice of Heimerdinger in the show. He is an American voice actor, born on July 4, 1974, in California, United States. He is best known for his work in Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness (2011–2016), Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016), Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween (2018), Marvel Future Avengers (2017-2018), etc.
Also read about: Cast of Arcane
FAQs about Arcane
A. Mick Wingert is the voice of Heimerdinger in Arcane.
A. No, Heimerdinger sacrificed himself in Season 2 of Arcane.
A. Ekko is 19-20 years old in the 2nd Season.