Dateline Episode titled Miles from Nowhere revisited a case from July 4, 2011, where an army veteran, Chad Wallin-Reed, fired shots at six men who were trespassing at his cabin in Plumas County, killing 20-year-old Rory McGuire.
The official synopsis of the episode reads as follows:
A young father contacts emergency services claiming that he is caught in the crossfire of a shootout on a remote northern California road that claims one life and injures two other people, but the investigation takes unexpected turns.
Here are five harrowing details about Chad Wallin-Reed's crimes.
Dateline: 5 harrowing details about Chad Wallin-Reed's crimes
1) Chad Wallin-Reed was spending the July 2011 weekend in the woods known for burglary
In Plumas County, Chad Wallin spent the weekend of July 4, 2011, with his wife and three children in the woods. As told on Dateline, the family was also accompanied by another family in a nearby cabin.
Since burglary and murder were common in that part of the county, Chad was concerned about the safety of his family and also kept weapons like shotguns in his cabin to ward off animals or, worse, burglars.
2) Six men, including Dateline victim Rory McGuire, trespassed on Chad's property
As suspected by Chad, on their first night at the cabin, a car full of six men approached their property and stole a solar light from the entrance.
The men again returned in their cars the next night, but Chad was determined to get them this time. When the men approached the second night, Chad was sitting with his friends outside and shot a warning shot, after which the men left hastily in their cars.
3) Chad was armed when he chased the Dateline victim
After the car left hastily, Chad decided to chase them and left his family and cabin with a .223-caliber deer rifle and a shotgun.
Around Antelope Lake, 20-year-old Rory McGuire, who was driving the car, took a U-turn when shots were fired by Chad. After chasing their car for about eight miles, Chad fired almost 26 times at the car, which hit Rory in the neck, and he was transported to hospital.
4) Dateline victim Rory died two days after the incident
After shooting 26 times at Rory's car, a bullet hit his neck, which seriously injured him. While he was taken to a nearby hospital, he died two days later. Chad's shooting spree also injured two other men in the car in the lower legs.
The police found 12 and 7 cartridges from an assault weapon and a shotgun, respectively. Chad was arrested, but according to his statement, he felt somebody from Rory's car fire in his direction, which forced him to open fire in self-defense.
5) Chad was sentenced to 80+ years in prison for Dateline victim's murder
In a statement released by Plumas Superior Court by Judge Ira Kaufman, Chad was sentenced to 50 years for first-degree murder and 34 years for seven felony counts, including firing at a vehicle and having possession of an illegal rifle.
According to David Hollister, Plumas County district attorney, Chad will be eligible for parole in 2092.
During his trial, Chad addressed Rory's family, who was present in court:
“I pray ... that the Lord will somehow give you the strength to forgive me.”
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