Bookie is an engaging crime-comedy series from Max co-created by Chuck Lorre and Nick Bakay. Season 1 of the Max show presents Danny Colavito as a veteran sports bookie trying his best to ply his trade in changing circumstances across the underworld of Los Angeles. Danny is aided in his efforts by Ray, a former NFL player, who doesn't know any better than to collect pending bookie dues.
Danny Colavito is portrayed by Sebastian Maniscalco and brings to life the changing fortunes of the booking scene in Los Angeles. Once a lucrative enterprise, the booking scene is now falling apart due to digital encroachments made by betting apps, and several states even making sports betting legal.
In these changed circumstances, people no longer need to resort to a booking agent such as Danny to place their bets before a game. Danny's business seems to be on the downside and therefore this makes it a perfect recipe for an entertaining watch.
The success of the debut season of Bookie called for a prompt renewal of the show, with season 2 recently released on December 12. Here's everything that you need to remember before binge-watching the second installment of the crime-comedy show on Max.
What happened on Bookie Season 1?
The pilot episode of season 1 establishes Danny and Ray in their element. After a $6000 debt collection goes south, Danny is roughed up by those who owe him the money and he has no other option but to reluctantly agree to wipe off the debt.
He then approaches one of his celebrity clients for collection but the client gives him a luxury watch in return for the six-figure debt amount that he owes. In a stroke of bad luck, Danny is mugged moments after this. Although he manages to flee the scene with the watch, he has to shoot his assailant down.
As the wheels of the story keep turning, Danny's sister Lorraine teams up with Hector to kickstart a mushroom business. Danny himself lands a good deal when he gets in touch with Walt, who is a wealthy gambler and brings in his foreign friend Jack Han. Han offers a lucrative $500,000 bet for a Monday night football game.
Although this gives Danny a much-needed cash infusion, he is apprehensive about Han winning. This is further accentuated by the news Danny receives from Ray stating that Han might have insider sources, and might take the bookies for a ride.
Ultimately Han's team loses the game and Danny makes a big score. The mugger from the pilot returns to tell him that Danny's bullet that grazed his head, and he has now turned around from being a drug addict.
Elsewhere, following the death of Danny's mentor uncle Teddy, his son Viggy attempts a hostile takeover of the bookie business, but is resisted by Danny.
Lorraine and Hector's side quest explored
Lorraine is Danny's foul-mouthed sibling while Hector is a Lyft driver who teams up with Danny to aid him. Lorraine has a mind of her own and kickstarts her mushroom business in the neighborhood. This eventually lands her in a turf war with a biker gang.
Hector then comes to her rescue by suggesting a remodeling of her mushroom brand, stating that the punchline should be about attaining salivating through the use of these mushrooms. The idea sticks and the business is a hit.
Bookie Season 2 is airing exclusively on Max.
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