Baddies Midwest Episode 2: Detroit Welcomes the Cast to form new alliances and rivalries

Natlalie Nunn from Baddies Midwest/ Image via Instagram/ @realmissnatalienunn
Natalie Nunn from Baddies Midwest | Image via Instagram/ @realmissnatalienunn

Baddies Midwest Season 6 started with a new and returning cast, including some fiery guest appearances, and premiered the first two episodes on Zeus Network on November 3, 2024. Tesehki and Chrisean's feud dominated episode 1. The siblings decided to go into deep water in episode 2, where both were still sitting in the restaurant in Oklahoma.

Tesehki went into an emotional outburst as episode 1 was ending because Chrisean claimed that she harassed Chrisean when she was seven. As episode 2, Welcome To Detroit, started, Tesehki was in tears and telling Chrisean that her talk was making no sense to her, and she was expecting an apology from Chrisean for her behavior during Badiies East.

However, Chrisean did not seem apologetic, and Chastity, one of the 11 sisters of Chrisean, suggested that they should just take a break from arguing and pray. Chastity had an emotional breakdown while praying, and Chrisean had to complete the prayer.

Baddies Midwest Season 6 Episode 2: Sibling crisis, physical altercation and more

During episode 2 of Baddies Midwest, Chrisean and Tesehki's argument continued and got to the point where Tesehki claimed that Chrisean used to drink while she was pregnant with her baby. Chrisean was infuriated by it and called it a plain lie. She asked Tesehki to stop weaving a narrative like that and said. 'I was never drinking,' and added:

"I can say a lot of things about you girl, but I am not saying...She acts like she has been the perfect person, the perfect mom. You are in denial."

As their argument kept going and going, Tesehki broke into tears and started walking out of the restaurant, saying that she was going to sue Chrisean for defamation of character and that all the other "Baddies" were in support of her suing Chrisean.

Chrisean sat there with Chastity and mentioned that she had support for Tesehki, and they never called her out on her dating life or his child. Chrisean was upset that Tesehki brought up her son during the conversation, claiming that Chrisean was up to drinking when pregnant with him.

As the scene shifted in episode 2 of Baddies Midwest, Natalie was waiting with Scotty in a bar to meet Diamond, Jaidyn, and Akbar in Detroit. Diamond joined first and revealed in the confessional that she was meeting Natalie and Scotty for the first time after the reunion. Akbar, the new "Baddie," joins them shortly, followed by Jaidyn. The ladies were chiming in about the reunion and Tesehki's tussle with Diamond.

Natalie told the ladies that she had organized a get-to-gether for all the "Baddies" so the new ones could meet and mingle with the "OG" Baddies. However, Diamond had a blip with Rollie as they both had an argument on social media where Diamond told Rollie to "stop playing with her and go and play with your child."

Natalie took Rollie's side and said that it was bad of Diamond to bring up her son in the argument. Other ladies supported Natalie, which made Diamond furious, and she explained the whole thing to Scotty. However, Natalie intervened by saying, "We are going to the mixer so better eat now".

The cast joined the mixer, and they were excited to meet the new faces of season 6 Baddies Midwest and catch up on all that was happening. Tesehki, Ahna, Rollie, Jela, and Biggie were conversing about meeting the new Baddies and exploring the possibility of getting into beef already. Tesehki also shared what happened between her and Chrisean.

However, the episode ended with Rollie and Diamond getting into a physical altercation during the mixer party.

Baddies Midwest season 6 released Episodes 1 and 2 on November 3 on Zeus Network.

Edited by Sarah Nazamuddin Harniswala
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