American Murder: 5 Mind-bending Laci Peterson Theories

Lace Peterson from American Murder: Laci Peterson | Image Source: Netflix
Lace Peterson from American Murder: Laci Peterson | Image Source: Netflix

American Murder on Netflix is a chilling docuseries that uncovers grotesque and haunting killings. The series explores an array of either serial killers or murderers and exposes their crimes. It is back with another dark murder that rocked the nation: The Laci Peterson case.

Laci was weeks away from being a new mother when she suddenly vanished from her residence in 2002. Sadly, after a mammoth search, the dismembered bodies of Laci and her unborn son, Connor, were recovered on the banks of a river months later in 2003.

Per reports, her husband, Scott Peterson, reportedly committed the heinous crime. The series explores the trial and the events leading to his wife's death.

The show features interviews with the victim's family and loved ones, police officials, and the evidence gathered in attempts to solve the crime. However, spectators remain uncertain about Laci's murder since there is no solid evidence connecting Scott to the deaths.

Here are a few mind-bending theories concerning Laci Peterson's death and Scott Peterson's involvement in the matter.

Disclaimer: This article is solely based on the author's opinions. Reader's discretion is advised.

Theories about Laci Peterson's chilling murder

1) Scott Peterson wanted to change his identity to escape the law

American Murder: Laci Peterson - Scott Peterson's many phones recovered by the police | Image Source: Netflix
American Murder: Laci Peterson - Scott Peterson's many phones recovered by the police | Image Source: Netflix

The series features glimpses of the police coming into a boatload of evidence that depicts Scott as guilty. Authorities recovered $15,000 in hard cash in the trunk of his car, several credit cards, tickets, etc. He allegedly tried changing his identity!

Scott reportedly tried to grow longer hair and beard to appear significantly different during the search for his late wife. The change invited questions about his involvement in the deaths and possible plans to run away.

2) Laci Peterson's death was premeditated

Scott and Laci Peterson from American Murder: Laci Peterson | Image Source: Netflix
Scott and Laci Peterson from American Murder: Laci Peterson | Image Source: Netflix

Another popular theory is that the murder was premeditated. The day before Laci went missing, Scott told his in-laws, including Laci's sister, that he was going golfing. However, there was no proof of him indulging in the sport. Instead, he was seen going fishing in the same bay where his wife and unborn son's remains were discovered.

When the police questioned him about it, he mentioned he had not foreseen the change of plans. His in-laws recorded that he never fancied the sport when they knew him, insinuating that he was lying.

Additionally, the last time she was seen, Laci was reportedly wearing a white capri - the same one she was reportedly found in months after her disappearance. Coincidence or not?

Furthermore, although Scott mentioned having a "glorious" marriage, he allegedly had an affair. He recalled wanting to be free of responsibilities when asked for the reason he was seeing another woman while married. Could he have literally meant it? We'll sadly never know...

3) Laci Peterson died due to smothering/strangulation

A photograph of Laci Peterson in American Murder: Laci Peterson | Image Source: Netflix
A photograph of Laci Peterson in American Murder: Laci Peterson | Image Source: Netflix

Another heartbreaking theory is how Laci and her unborn son died. Although the primary cause of death was drowning since they were found in the river, the real cause remains a mystery. Online theorists have argued that Scott allegedly smothered/strangled her to death.

It is important to note that this case has no murder weapon. According to the allegations, what happened to Laci and her son was no accident. So, this theory is a very likely scenario per conspiracies online. Many believe that Scott took advantage of her pregnancy, which had rendered her almost defenseless.

Laci was said to have a small structure physically and was nearing the end of her pregnancy. Hence, fighting back would've been extremely difficult.

Moreover, during the investigation, police found an indentation on their bed with blood near the comforter. The blood might most likely have been from Scott's hands, which had visible scars during interrogation. In an attempt to survive her alleged attack, Laci might've used her nails to hurt him and get away. Unfortunately, she didn't make it.

4) Laci Peterson died the day she went missing

Laci Peterson in American Murder: Laci Peterson | Image Source: Netflix
Laci Peterson in American Murder: Laci Peterson | Image Source: Netflix

According to statements made by Scott and his in-laws, Laci had taken their dog out for a walk on the morning of December 24, 2002, but never returned. Authorities have also had mixed arguments about this prime factor - some witnesses nearby claim they saw her with her dog, and others claim she was never seen.

Lace might have been ambushed at the warehouse owned by her husband the morning he went fishing.

According to online theorists, Scott might've concocted the whole plan after going alone once, something a witness recalled. After picking the perfect time to take her out and venturing far away from the warehouse, he could've rendered her unconscious or even tipped her over.

5) Scott Peterson is NOT guilty

Scott Peterson in American Murder: Laci Peterson | Image Source: Netflix
Scott Peterson in American Murder: Laci Peterson | Image Source: Netflix

This might be a highly unpopular opinion, but it's still very much in play. The one thing that Scott and his lawyers have continually argued about is the lack of profound evidence.

Yes, he has injuries that could've been a result of resistance from Laci's side, he didn't have a strong alibi, he had an affair with another woman while married to his pregnant wife, he appeared to get ready to run away, and more! But is all that enough to convict a person of committing an unfathomable crime?

The one ordeal that spectators of the case strongly held onto was his reaction. Scott appeared stoic during interrogation and interviews, especially after the bodies were found. Could it not merely be possible that he was in shock, and that was his way to grieve?

During an online forum conversation about the case, a legal analyst argued that law officials are often quick to judge. The analyst emphasizes that any small reaction in that interrogation room could imply that the person answering might've committed the crime, which is what the majority of law officials and witnesses during the trial argued about.

The theories could go on and on, opening our minds to a myriad of possibilities centered around how Laci and Connor died. However, the fact remains: Laci Peterson and her son died a brutal and undeserving death. Is Scott alone facing the music for his crimes, or is the real killer out there?

Scott Peterson is currently serving out his life sentence with no parole at the Mule Creek State Prison.

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Edited by pshmueni