A Thousand Blows is a gritty historical drama created by Steven Knight, who is also the creator behind the popular BBC series, Peaky Blinders. Knight's latest attempt A Thousand Blows, revolves around the dark and dubious world of illegal boxing in the late 19th-Century London. A Thousand Blows cast consists of talented actors like Erin Doherty, Malachi Kirby, and Stephen Graham.
Here's the official synopsis for A Thousand Blows:
"A Thousand Blows takes viewers back to the brutal East End of London in the 1880s. Hezekiah Moscow (Kirby) and Alec Munroe (Francis Lovehall), best friends from Jamaica, find themselves thrust into the criminal underbelly of London’s thriving bare-knuckle boxing scene. As Hezekiah finds fortune and fame through the art of pugilism, he attracts the attention of the infamous Queen of the Forty Elephants, Mary Carr (Doherty), who sets about exploiting his talents to further her criminal enterprise. Meanwhile the menacing and self-declared emperor of the East End boxing world, Sugar Goodson (Graham), determines to destroy Hezekiah whose ambitions to fight in the West End threaten everything he has built. What ensues is a battle of the old world against the new."
A Thousand Blows Cast and Character Guide
Listed below is the A Thousand Blows cast and character guide:
Hezekiah Moscow played by Malachi Kirby
One of the two protagonists of A Thousand Blows, Hezekiah Moscow has recently set foot in London along with his best friend Alec Munroe. Both of them have arrived from Jamaica and meet Mary Carr, the leader of a gang named Forty Elephants. This chance encounter results in Hezekiah being involved in a dangerous path leading to Sugar Goodson, who seems to be the main antagonist.
Alec Munroe played by Francis Lovehall
Alec is the secondary protagonist of A Thousand Blows and from the looks of it, he seems to help Hezekiah train to become a formidable boxer. He does so that his best friend can go toe-to-toe with Sugar, who is the main antagonist played by Peaky Blinders' star Stephen Graham.
Mary Carr played by Erin Doherty
As stated before, Hezekiah happens to meet Mary after entering London. We see this meeting take place in the trailer of A Thousand Blows. She sees something special in him and decides to make Hezekiah her prizefighter. Apart from this professional relationship, there might probably be something between these two. Fans will need to watch the six-part series to learn more.
Sugar Goodson played by Stephen Graham
One thing is clear from the A Thousand Blows trailer, Alec and Hezekiah have a difficult challenge ahead of them as the veteran boxer, Sugar Goodson, is intimidating. From what we see of him, it looks like Goodson is incensed with Hezekiah taking the spotlight away from him. Apart from that, it remains to be seen if there are other reasons behind his anger too.
Which actors are in the supporting cast of A Thousand Blows?
The supporting cast of A Thousand Blows includes:
- James Nelson-Joyce playing the character of Edward “Treacle” Goodson
- Hannah Walters playing the character of Eliza Moody
- Jason Tobin playing the character of Mr. Lao
- Nadia Albina playing the character of Verity Ross
- Jemma Carlton playing the character of Belle Downer
- Morgan Hilaire playing the character of Esme Long
- Caoilfhionn Dunne playing the character of Anne Glover
What is the dark Hulu series about?
The upcoming Hulu series serves as a reunion of sorts for two Peaky Blinders veterans. Those two artists are the Peaky Blinders creator Steven Knight and Hayden Stagg actor Stephen Graham. A Thousand Blows is a 12-episodic show set in the backdrop of a 20th-century London that focuses on a real-life gang that had women as their members.
The main characters Alec and Hezekiah who immigrated from Jamaica get mixed into a dangerous criminal underworld that also involves a shady boxing ring.
A Thousand Blows will premiere on February 21, 2025. It will be available for streaming on Hulu in the US.
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