An adventure anime series, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off is a reimagined animated retelling of the Scott Pilgrim graphic novels authored and illustrated by Bryan Lee O'Malley. The series is also grounded in the 2010 film adaption of the comic Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.
Developed by O'Malley and BenDavid Grabinski, season 1 of Scott Pilgrim Takes Off is available to stream on Netflix. For the English voice cast, the series marked the return of the entire main cast from the film.
The plot of Scott Pilgrim Takes Off takes place in Toronto, Canada. In the series, Scott Pilgrim is a bassist in an indie band. He falls head over heels for Ramona Flowers. A delivery girl, Ramona, has seven evil exes who get a whiff of Pilgrim's infatuation with her.
Things go south when Scott battles Ramona's first evil ex, Matthew Patel, and fatally loses. Suspecting Scott is still alive, Ramona sets out to find Scott. After its first season, Netflix canceled Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, which upset netizens worldwide.
What do fans have to say about Scott Pilgrim Takes Off cancellation?
Audiences worldwide were shocked to hear about the cancellation of Scott Pilgrim Takes Off. Many took to social media to express their disapproval of Netflix's decision. Let's take a look at how fans have reacted:
"A shame this isn't getting more. I liked that we got a sort of Scott Pilgrim multi-verse this way but unfortunately the bad rep that it gained from people overreacting too quickly hurt it. I do hope to see the franchise return one day." - @Obsessive_Gamer
Many fans have expressed frustration over Netflix canceling seasons earlier than they should. Sharing the same sentiment as other fans, another user commented about hoping to see the franchise return:
"Would love to see more SP in any medium honestly. I got onboard recently because of Takes Off, I'm still reading the comics and I've gotta get around to the film & game, but...thanks for writing these silly little canadian people into existence. Cheers!" - @Discount_TV_
Another user expressed feeling upset over the series cancellation but was glad that the series did not feel incomplete. The user stated:
"While it IS sad that we're not getting another season, at least it did feel autoconclusive, we were left wanting more beacuse it was great, not because it felt incomplete." - @MaverickPrimeGB
A common thread among users is that upon hearing the cancellation news, many of them expressed their love for the show that existed in the first place. One user stated:
"It became an immediate comfort show for me, thank you so much for such a funny, heartwarming and inspired series."- @springrooove
While the news of the cancellation of Scott Pilgrim Takes Off has gotten many fans down, many are hoping that Netflix will soon put out a Blu-ray release of Scott Pilgrim Takes Off.
"I will pray every day at my SP shrine until @netflix graces us with a bluray release." - @PixelCole
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off cancellation explored
Almost a year after its Netflix debut, fans across the internet have been devastated to know that Scott Pilgrim Takes Off will not be returning for a second season. Bryan Lee O'Malley took to his social media on November 21, 2024, to inform fans of the series's cancellation. He stated on X:
"We were recently informed that the show will NOT return. As you know, we only intended one season, and called in a lot of favors to make it happen, so making more would have been nearly impossible. Still, I know some of you have been holding out hope."
Audiences disappointed in the series cancellation might feel better knowing that the creators tried their best to tell the story they wanted to in the first season itself. While talking to Rolling Stone about season 1 of the series in November 2023, Bryan Lee O'Malley stated:
"It's self contained for now. We loved what we did. We put it all in there. We don't have any ideas lying on the floor. We pretty much put them all in. I never say never, but right now, it seems like it would take about 50 different miracles simultaneously for another season to happen."
He further added:
"People are always complaining about how shows get canceled after one season. So we hedged our bets immediately, and tried to make a self-contained one season."
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off is available to watch on Netflix. Stay tuned to Soap Central to read more about the latest stories and updates of your favorite shows and soaps.
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