A Discovery of Witches is an enthralling British fantasy television series that aired from September 2018 to January 2022. The series is based on the All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness and features a stellar cast. Teresa Palmer stars in the lead role alongside Matthew Goode. The show also features Edward Bluemel, Louise Brealey, Malin Buska, and Aiysha Hart.
The show's first two seasons aired on Sky One and the third on Sky Max. It received critical acclaim from both fans and critics and was nominated for Best New Drama at the 2019 National Television Awards.
A Discovery of Witches centers around a witch named Diana Bishop and explores a world filled with vampires, mysterious genetics, and other supernatural creatures.
"Diana Bishop, historian and witch, accesses Ashmole 782 and knows she must solve its mysteries. She is offered help by the enigmatic Matthew Clairmont, but he's a vampire and witches should never trust vampires," read its synopsis.
Below is the definitive guide to all the supernatural beings in A Discovery of Witches:
Witches are the primary supernatural creatures in the show, each possessing unique powers. From flying and time travel to controlling the weather and reading minds, these witches demonstrate extraordinary abilities. The lead character, Diana Bishop, is also a witch, born to extremely powerful parents. Additionally, she is a historian in the series.
Other characters who are witches on the show include Diana Bishop's aunt, Sarah Bishop, and her aunt's partner, Emily Mather, Gillian Chamberlain, and Peter Knox.
Daemons are another type of supernatural creature featured in A Discovery of Witches. They are mostly similar to humans and have a similar lifespan. Known for their creativity and artistic talents, daemons play a unique role in the series. Hamish Osborne and The Wilsons are among the daemons portrayed in the show.
Vampires in A Discovery of Witches are cold-blooded, naturally very handsome creatures. However, unlike traditional vampires, the ones in the show do not have fangs and can walk in daylight. These vampires often pursue careers as scientists.
Matthew Clairmont, portrayed by Matthew Goode, is one of the main vampires in the series. Other notable vampires include Marcus Whitmore, Miriam Shepherd, Ysabeau de Clermont, Domenico Michele, Baldwin Montclair, Gerbert D'Aurillac, and Juliette Durand.
A Discovery of Witches: Cast and Characters
A Discovery of Witches features a stellar cast, including Teresa Palmer, Matthew Goode, Edward Bluemel, Louise Brealey, and Malin Buska.
Below are the cast and characters of A Discovery of Witches:
- Teresa Palmer as Diana Bishop: Witch
- Matthew Goode as Matthew Clairmont: Vampire
- Edward Bluemel as Marcus Whitmore: Vampire
- Louise Brealey as Gillian Chamberlain: Witch
- Malin Buska as Satu Järvinen: Witch
- Aiysha Hart as Miriam Shephard: Vampire
- Owen Teale as Peter Knox: Witch
- Alex Kingston as Sarah Bishop: Witch
- Valarie Pettiford as Emily Mather: Witch
- Gregg Chillin as Domenico Michele: Vampire
- Elarica Johnson as Juliette Durand: Vampire
- Greg McHugh as Hamish Osborne: Daemon
- Trevor Eve as Gerbert d'Aurillac: Vampire
- Daniel Ezra as Nathaniel Wilson: Daemon
- Aisling Loftus as Sophie Wilson: Daemon (and Susanna Norman, Witch)
- Tanya Moodie as Agatha Wilson: Daemon
- Sorcha Cusack as Marthe: Vampire
- Trystan Gravelle and Peter McDonald as Baldwin Montclair: Vampire
- Lindsay Duncan as Ysabeau de Clermont: Vampire
- Holly Aird as Françoise: Vampire
- Tom Hughes as Kit Marlowe: Human
- Sheila Hancock as Goody Alsop: Witch
- Paul Rhys as Andrew Hubbard: Vampire
- Steven Cree as Gallowglass: Vampire
- Adelle Leonce as Phoebe Taylor: Human
- Elaine Cassidy as Louisa de Clermont: Vampire
- James Purefoy as Philippe de Clermont: Vampire
- Michael Jibson as Rudolf II: Human
- Olivier Huband as Fernando Gonçalves: Vampire
- Jacob Ifan as Benjamin Fuchs: Vampire
- Parker Sawyers as Ransome Fayrweather: Vampire
You can watch A Discovery of Witches on Netflix as the show arrives on the platform on August 19, 2024.
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