7 Young Sheldon couples that should have happened but never got to be

Young Sheldon on CBS (image via Instagram/@youngsheldoncbs)
Young Sheldon on CBS (image via Instagram/@youngsheldoncbs)

Young Sheldon has brought to the screen several characters that shed light on the prodigy character's childhood. Where Young Sheldon succeeded remarkably was in presenting character arcs that bore serious potential for further exploration. Despite focusing on a teenage protagonist, Young Sheldon often explored serious themes, such as falling in and out of love and forming unlikely bonds that would stand the test of time.

From Sheldon and Paige to Dr. Linkletter and Connie, there were many characters who would have made entertaining couples in another life. Here, we take a look at seven such couples that should have happened on Young Sheldon but never did.

Which are the seven couples that could have come together on Young Sheldon but never did?

Keep reading to learn more about the seven couples who almost came together on the CBS show.

1) Paige and Sheldon

Both Sheldon and Paige were alike in more aspects than one. Both of them often felt out of place in their own circles, owing to the sheer brilliance of their intellect. Throughout several episodes of Young Sheldon, Paige and Sheldon exhibited tenderness and fond feelings for each other that could have translated well if they were to officially become a couple on the CBS show.

This was one relationship that the audience really did root for. In a different timeline, watching the grown-up versions of the two come together would have made for a compelling storyline. Sadly, that never did materialize.

2) Brenda and George Sr.

It's no secret that George Sr.'s marriage with Mary wasn't exactly anyone's idea of domestic bliss. George was unhappy in his marriage with Mary and thus bore the burden of not being understood by his wife. It was only during his shared moments with Brenda that he was able to find some solace. Brenda and George often met at the local bar and dwelled upon having shared likes and dislikes. George never took the next step in consummating his relationship with Brenda since he was married to Mary.

3) Pastor Rob and Mary

It is fair to say that May had her own religious convictions on Young Sheldon and, therefore, never imagined cheating on her husband. Several episodes of the CBS show saw her being emotionally drained as a result of her butting heads with George Sr.

On the other hand, Mary came across as remarkably relaxed and quite her true self whenever she was seen with Pastor Rob. One memorable scene from the show has Mary sitting on the curb while sharing a cigarette with Pastor Rob. None of them acknowledged their feelings for each other, but the scene did leave the window open for the two of them to be together in another life.

4) June and Dr. Linkletter

June was once married to Dale Ballard, but the marriage eventually broke down and ended in divorce. This wasn't shown on the show but was hinted at while presenting June's backstory. June struck up an amiable relationship with Dr. Linkletter, perhaps because he was in a certain way similar to Dale and yet different from him. June, on the other hand, seemed like the perfect fit that could rejuvenate Dr. Linkletter's life. Unfortunately, like all the other couples on this list, the two of them never made it together.

5) Brenda and Principal Peterson

Fans of Young Sheldon would remember the time when George tried his best to bring Principal Peterson and Brenda together. Both of them were single and seemingly perfect for each other. Peterson returned from a bowling alley on one episode and was struck to find Brenda and George trying their best to make casual conversation. It could have been quite intriguing to catch the two of them embarking on a road to romance.

6) Billy and Missy

Billy was often at the receiving end of the jokes on the CBS shows. From his outward appearance, Billy appeared to be rather slow and dumb. Despite this, he had developed feelings for Missy ever since the both of them were children. There was also that one time when Billy mustered up enough courage to ask Missy out on a date. Missy eventually turned him down, but the possibility still remains that if the two of them had gotten to know each other a little better, they could have hit it off rather well.

7) Mr. Lundy and Ms. Hutchins

Lastly, Mr. Lundy and Ms. Hutchins were united by their loneliness and desolation. Mr. Lundy tried to make the best of whatever he had by participating in school plays and even donning a Halloween costume. Ms. Hutchins, on the other hand, would often rant about her own suffering. In retrospect, it seems likely that the two characters would have benefitted greatly from each other's company.

Executive Producer opens up about the fate of Paige and Sheldon

The ultimate fate of Paige and Sheldon has been a hot topic among fans of the CBS show. In an exclusive TVLine interview from 2024, executive producer Steve Holland spoke at length about this subject when he said:

"People ask about Paige all the time, and she was only in [nine] episodes of Young Sheldon. People online respond to Paige and I think that’s because Mckenna is incredible. The downside of Mckenna being incredible is that Mckenna is a movie star” — most recently seen in Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire — “and that makes Mckenna very difficult to get."

He further added:

"I know there are some dark theories about what happened to Paige and why Sheldon doesn’t mention her [on Big Bang]. I don’t think she’s not mentioned because she went down a dark path and is dead in Big Bang Theory. For us, it was just an interesting way to explore another kid who had a similar thing to Sheldon and the different roads that they could take. (By Season 6) she is not a huge part of Sheldon’s life; she’s more of Missy’s friend in the show than she is Sheldon’s friend. That said, it would have been great to have Mckenna back because she’s incredible, always.”

Young Sheldon is exclusively available on CBS.

Edited by Sroban Ghosh
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