10 best character introductions in Game Of Thrones, Ranked

10 best character introductions in Game Of Thrones, Ranked (Image via HBO)
10 best character introductions in Game Of Thrones, Ranked (Image via HBO)

Game of Thrones comes with some of the most popular characters and beautifully crafted scenes in which they were first introduced in the series. The introductory scenes have rightly set up their core characteristics for the viewers and a basis for their future actions.

Remember how Tyrion Lannister was introduced in the oddest of ways, in the brothel with Ros, a prostitute, drinking wine and making jokes? Ned Stark was first introduced amidst the mystifying landscape of Winterfell, teaching a lesson to his son. The scene ended with a heavy one-liner by Ned Stark, “A madman sees what he sees,” which sets the gravity and tone of his character, depicting a strongly opinionated decision-maker who has rarely been wronged.

It is not just that. Game of Thrones comes with various introductory scenes of characters that make us root for or feel for them from the first scene. This makes sense even for some negative characters whose introductory scenes have been such that you can smell the evilness within them, like the character Joffrey Baratheon. Let’s dive deep into more similar examples and analyze ten brilliantly crafted introduction scenes of the Game of Thrones Characters.

**Disclaimer: The following article represents the author's opinion and perspective. Reader's discretion is advised.

10 best character introductions in Game Of Thrones

Tywin Lannister


Tywin makes his first appearance in Season 1, Episode 7 of Game of Thrones and one can easily gauge that this character will be a significant one in the series. Tywin is shown lecturing Jamie Lannister about how he attacked Ned Stark and left him without taking his life. He explains how he should never leave the enemy after an attack for them to retaliate later.

During this conversation, he is fleshing out skin from a stag. The stag here represents the Baratheon, and the way he is stripping the animal, he is stripping Jamie’s pride, bringing out his weakness. Tywin was considered respectful, unlike the other Westeros characters, but this scene reveals how dangerous he could be. He considers Jamie’s attack on Ned as impulsive and shortsighted.

Despite his intelligence, in Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 10, Tyrion kills Tywin on the toilet with a crossbow after discovering Tywin’s affair with Shae, his former lover. Tywin tries to manipulate Tyrion by calling Shae a mere prostitute; however, it is in vain. His death marks the beginning of the Lannister family's decline.

Oberyn Martell


The character appears in season 4, episode 1 of Game of Thrones titled Two Swords. We see him in the brothel being attacked by Lannister’s men, and in a swift move, he stabs the hand of the goon and pins him on the table. Nicknamed Red Viper, Oberyn is reeling with a desire to take revenge for his sister, Elia, and her children.

This scene portrays his attentiveness and desperation to fight against The Mountain and Tywin, who ordered the execution of Elia.

In Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 8 -The Mountain and the Viper, Oberyn fights as Tyrion Lannister’s champion in a trial by combat against The Mountain. While he outmatches The Mountain in skill and lands several deadly strikes, his need for vengeance makes him careless. He eventually demands a confession for Elias's murder instead of killing him. Taking advantage of the chance, The Mountain catches him off guard, knocks him down, and crushes his skull with his bare hands, killing him in one of the most gruesome deaths in the series.

Ned Stark


Ned Stark is another legendary character and fan favorite who makes his first appearance amidst the mystifying landscape of Winterfell, executing a deserter who claims that he has seen the Night Walkers. Ned executes him to teach his son the values of duty and honor, while his son questions the possibility of the man telling the truth. Ned asserts that it has been thousands of years since the Nightwalkers disappeared.

The scene sets up the weightage of the character, shaping him as a strongly opinionated one who is also true to his duties. But ironically, further in the series, the way Ned gets executed by Joffrey shows that it's not just honor that one requires to survive.

Tyrion Lannister


Tyrion Lannister appears in Season 1, Episode 1 of Game of Thrones titled Winter is Coming. As mentioned already, in the scene, he is in a brothel with his brother waiting outside, busy with a prostitute, soaked in wine, and making witty jokes to her. Unlike other Lannisters, who are always portrayed as more focused and strong, his character poses a contrast and sets the reason behind his being considered an outsider within the family.

Rather than scolding Tyrion, Jaime offers to bring in more girls, jokingly indulging his younger brother’s infamous love for pleasure. He reminds him that they have less time, so more girls would help, and reminds him of the evening feast with the Starks.

Joffrey Baratheon


The most hated character of the series for his tiny brain cell and immense power that he uses to inflict misery upon people around him first appears in Season 1, Episode 1 of Game of Thrones. The scene portrays King Robert, Queen Cersei, and the rest of the royal procession while Joffrey rides to Winterfell.

On reaching, Robert greets Ned Stark with warmth while Joffrey stands in the background, revealing his crude nature and lack of respect. His personality further pops up during the feast when he speaks with Robb and Sansa Stark.

During his wedding feast, -The Purple Wedding with a new wife, he taunts Tyrion and abuses Sansa, showcasing his arrogance. Moments later, he chokes to death after drinking poisoned wine, dying in agony in Cersei’s arms. His death is one of the most celebrated moments in the series, marking the end of his reign of terror.

Brienne of Tarth


Brienne is introduced in Season 2 Episode 3 of Game of Thrones, in a tournament, easily defeating Ser Loras Tyrell, proving her combat skills. Her loyalty to Renly Baratheon and imposing presence make it clear she is no ordinary knight, setting up her character as a woman who challenges Westerosi norms. Brienne of Tarth is one of Game of Thrones’ most compelling characters, embodying loyalty, honor, and defiance of societal norms.

When she wins the combat, the king asks her any wish he can fulfil, and she demands a place in Kingsguard as one of his seven main guards. She commits to pledge her life to keep the king safe from all evils.

She acts upon the same towards the end when she assumes the responsibility to protect Sansa Stark after Catelyn Stark’s death. She fights for the North and later becomes Lord Commander of the Kingsguard under Bran Stark.

Ser Davos Seaworth


Ser Davos Seaworth, also known as the Onion Knight, is one of the most honorable and pragmatic characters in Game of Thrones. Davos appears as Stannis Baratheon’s most trusted advisor in Season 2, Episode 1 of Game of Thrones titled The North Remembers. The scene portrays Melisandre, the Red Priestess, leading a religious ritual in Dragonstone.

Melisandre convinces Stannis Baratheon and his men to burn the statues of the Seven Gods, this is where Davos Seaworth is first seen, standing along with other men with uneasy expressions. Although Davos is loyal to Stannis, he finds it difficult to trust Melisandre. He is established as one of the most loyal characters in Game of Thrones.

Davos warns Stannis about Melisandre’s influence, especially when she burns people alive in the name of R’hllor. At the Battle of Blackwater, Davos leads Stannis’ fleet but is caught in wildfire, resulting in the death of his son Matthos. After Stannis loses the battle, Davos is imprisoned for opposing Melisandre.

Daenerys Targaryen


Daenerys is introduced as a vulnerable pawn, forced into marriage with Khal Drogo by her cruel brother Viserys in Season 1, Episode 1 of Game of Thrones. This sets the stage for her transformation from a powerless girl to the Mother of Dragons, making her one of the most compelling characters in the series. In the first scene, she is introduced to Khal, who comes to see her. Her brother informs her that Khal has never been defeated, pointing to his long hair, and she will be his queen.

However, ahead in the series, Khal objectifies her and uses her just for pleasure. Eventually, her character transforms when she learns the way to tame Khal Drogo and uses her sexuality to establish respect and power. A marriage that was scarred by forceful and brutal encounters starts to show signs of connection.

Ramsay Bolton


Ramsay Bolton, initially known as Ramsay Snow, first appears in Game of Thrones Season 3, Episode 2 titled Dark Wings, Dark Words as a mysterious, unnamed "boy" who seemingly helps a captured Theon Greyjoy escape. Ramsay is the Bastard child of Roose Bolton, who once noticed a woman while hunting alongside the Weeping Water. Attracted by her, he could not help but practice a long-banned tradition in which the lord could sleep with one of the commoner’s wife for a day.

The scene opens with Theon Greyjoy tied to a wooden cross after betraying Winterfell. Ramsay intervenes and lets him run away, only to kill him later with greater presence. He enjoys psychological torment, often breaking his victims mentally before killing them.

Ramsay kills Rickon Stark in a twisted game before the Battle of the Bastards. Though he initially overpowers Jon Snow’s army, he is defeated when the Knights of the Vale arrive as reinforcements. Captured and imprisoned in Winterfell, he is finally executed by Sansa, who feeds him to his starving hounds.

Jaqen H'ghar


In Season 2 of Game of Thrones, Arya Stark, disguised as a boy named Arry, is traveling north. Along the way, she passes by a wooden cage on a wagon, where three prisoners are locked inside with iron bars; one of them is Jaqen. He is introduced as a mysterious, soft-spoken person speaking in his signature third-person style.

The three prisoners demand some beer from Arya Stark, which she denies. While the other 2 prisoners are arrogant, Jaqen seems to appear with a unique charm and wit when he comments that “the boy has more courage than sense”.

When Lannister soldiers attack, Arya saves Jaqen and his companions by giving them an axe to escape from a burning wagon. As a token of gratitude, Jaqen offers Arya three deaths—she can name three people, and he will kill them for her.

Stay tuned to Soap Central for more such interesting dive-ins.

Edited by Zainab Shaikh
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