"More celebrities should follow": Fans react to Demi Lovato's TikTok video where she asks ChatGPT to roast her

Demi Lovato (Image via Instagram)
Demi Lovato (Image via Instagram/@ddlovato)

Former Disney star Demi Lovato recently posted a funny video on TikTok on a whim, following a trend. The TikTok clip features Lovato in front of the camera with her beau, Jordan "Jutes" Lutes, in the background. Lovato starts off the video by saying:

"Okay, so I asked ChatGPT to roast me and Jordan's going to read it". Lovato said.

She then pans the camera to her fiancé in the background, where he starts reading the paragraph ChatGPT generated. Pop Base posted the clip on their X page, and netizens found it quite humorous. This is what one fan had to say:

"Demi is so cool with the roast. More celebrities should follow" - @Last_DayWithYou wrote.

Keep reading to see how ChatGPT roasted Demi Lovato and more fan reactions to the post.

How did fans react to ChatGPT roasting Demi Lovato?

Pop Base posted the full clip of Demi Lovato's fiancé reading ChatGPT's roast. Fans thought it was hilarious and loved that Demi joined in on the fun trend. Here are some of the comments on the post:

One user wrote,

"could have just open twitter" - @hardtingz said.

Another fan, who noted how ChatGPT referred to Lovato as "they/them," said,

"notice how even chatGPT can respect pronouns but humans somehow still can’t…." - @positionsmafiaa noted.

Meanwhile, a netizen who isn’t the biggest Demi Lovato fan commented:

"No one wants to roast a mid" - @Oye_Chihaya said.

One user expressed their wish to be famous enough for ChatGPT to roast them:

"I wish I was famous enough so I can also do this with chatgpt lmao" - @ashleim1chelle commented.

While not all comments were positive, one user shared a wholesome perspective:

"This is so funny and I’m so happy she’s able to laugh at it because I would so the same thing. I think it shows how healed she is from the negative things people say about her" - @prdctoftheprblm stated.

Another user appreciated celebrities who can take a joke:

"i love when celebs can make fun of themselves" - @erenfromtargets commented.

How did ChatGPT roast Demi Lovato?

According to the TikTok clip Demi posted, she asked her fiancé to read the roast aloud. It began with a reference to one of Lovato's songs:

"Oh, you mean the artist formally known as "Confident", but now more like confused? the roast starts.

It continues,

"Demi Lovato has had more rebrands than a failing fast food chain. One minute they're punk rock, the next, they're singing pop ballads, and somewhere in between they're beefing with a frozen yogurt shop."

At first, Demi was seen giggling, but she broke into full-on laughter after the last sentence. Jordan continued reading:

"Like babes, just pick a lane or at least a consistent genre. And let's not even talk about their song lyrics. "What's wrong with being confident?" Nothing, Demi. But what's wrong with being consistent? Because your career path is giving through (threw?) darts at a vision board while blindfolded."

Lovato wheezed and laughed at that line. Her fiancé then read,

"But hey, credit where credits due. Demi's voice is undeniable. If only their decision making skills were as strong as their vocal chords." the roast ends.

After Jordan finished reading, Lovato smirked at the camera and quipped:

"So you think I'm a good singer?" Lovato laughs before the clip ends.

Demi Lovato seemed to enjoy ChatGPT's roast and didn't appear offended. She even added her own playful remark at the end, understanding that, despite the jokes, ChatGPT ultimately acknowledged her talent.

Edited by Ritika Pal
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