Multidisciplinary brand Fragment Design has launched its latest collaboration with the media franchise Gundam. On January 20, 2025, Fragment Design’s founder, Hiroshi Fujiwara, shared the first look of the RX-78 Gunpla model on his Instagram page. Although he did not caption it with words or thoughts, he simply wrote “#GUNDAM45FRGMT.”
According to Hypebeast, the left shoulder of the model displays the product code RX78FRGMT, while its left chest showcases Fragment Design's signature lightning bolt design.
In addition to the RX-78 Gunpla, the collaboration is expected to include other items like apparel and accessories, though details about the release dates are yet to be revealed.
In terms of design, the model is in sync with Fragment Design's style as the Gunpla kit comes in a sleek gray color scheme, adorned with the lightning bolt logo. Fujiwara also gave a sneak peek of the special packaging in his Instagram post, which features the Operation V logo and the model's official name, RX82FRGMT.
A UNGEEK report mentions that FRGMT is not a traditional fashion house but has partnered with popular brands like Nike, NEIGHBORHOOD, and Bvlgari. Its collaborations extend beyond fashion, having worked with popular franchises like Pokémon. Moreover, a collaboration with Levi's includes Mobile Suit Gundam SEED and RX-78-2-themed products from Crocs and CASETiFY.
Reports suggest that a collaboration with Gundam seems fitting, especially since the franchise marked its 45th anniversary last year.
The news of the Fragment Design collaboration with Gundam was initially hinted at in December 2024
On December 5, 2024, Hiroshi Fujiwara took to his Instagram and revealed Fragment Design’s collaboration with Gundam. The announcement showcased a new graphic featuring Fragment Design's signature lightning bolts alongside Gundam's iconic "G" logo. Gundam also shared the news on its website as it wrote:
“A design project led by Hiroshi Fujiwara to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the Gundam series."fragment"and Mobile Suit GundamA collaboration has been decided. Related products with original designs supervised by Hiroshi Fujiwara will be released one after another. Please wait for the latest information.”
Gundam has taken a unique approach to celebrate its 45th anniversary. Besides the franchise’s collaboration with other brands, it has released interesting accessories.
In July 2024, TAKARAJIMASHA, Inc. released two special Gundam-themed books, the Mobile Suit Gundam Haro Light Book and the SEED FREEDOM Haro Light Book Type II, priced at 4,389 JPY.
According to the website, these lights are portable, cable-free, and designed with adjustable ears for customizable expressions. They offer three brightness levels, stay cool during use, and double as room decor even when turned off.
These items came with Haro-themed lights featuring a new one-hour timer function. The SEED FREEDOM Haro Light Book Type II includes a light with a SEED FREEDOM design, while the Mobile Suit Gundam Haro Light Book comes with a light featuring a new design inspired by the original Mobile Suit Gundam.
Each booklet features unique content like scenes with Haros across the Gundam series in one and highlights from Gundam SEED and Gundam SEED DESTINY in the other.
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