Sneakers are the best Christmas gift for someone who loves running, working out, or even collecting them. It is imperative that you wear a pair that suits you the best and one that makes a statement.
Christmas is the best time to find and gift these to the sneakerheads. Adidas has been one of the frontrunners in the sneaker world for quite some time. They have mastered every single quality that makes a sneaker worth buying.
Some of the most recognizable Adidas trainers, such as the Gazelles, Sambas, and Stan Smiths, have made significant returns in 2024. In 2023, the Samba won the Shoe of the Year title at the Footwear News Achievement Awards.
Since several Adidas sneakers are on sale during Cyber Week shoe sales, now is the best time to stock up for yourself and everyone on your holiday shopping lists.
Here is a guide to the 5 best Adidas sneakers that you should buy.
Note: This article reflects the writer’s opinion.
Atmos x Adidas Gazelle 85

This pair of sneakers with a vintage look has a comfortable fit and a patchwork aesthetic. It was launched as a collaboration between Atmos and Adidas to celebrate the launch of the flagship store in Tokyo, Japan.
Alwayth x Adidas Samba OG

The ALWAYTH × adidas Samba OG reinvents the classic with rich textures and vibrant colorways. The line includes canvas uppers, corduroy Three Stripes, and a high-end vibe in navy blue, burgundy, and military green. The distinctive "SAMBALWAYTH" trademark, released on May 17, 2024, added an individual touch to this beautiful combination.
Adidas Ultraboost 24 and Ultraboost 5x

With each mile, the Ultraboost 5X gives you an extra boost to keep you feeling invigorated from start to finish. Because of its integrated midfoot support, which reduces weight by 0.6 ounces, and LIGHTBOOST, which offers 10% less cushioning, the Ultraboost 5X is the lightest model to date.
Adidas Forum 84 Lows

Every detail in these Adidas Forum 84 Low shoes pays tribute to the original. High-end leather and suede are combined with metallic gold accents and flashes of the original royal blue colorway. Taking a slightly different tack than usual, this rendition examines the Forum from the perspective of deconstructed luxury. Every stride is cushioned in luxurious comfort by the sock liner.
Adidas AE 1 Low

The Adidas AE 1 Low combines a vibrant, bold design with superior performance features. Its breathable knit upper, stable TPU cage, and advanced Boost and Lightstrike cushioning make it a standout choice for athletes and style-savvy sneaker enthusiasts.
The festive season has begun and everyone is looking forward to giving and receiving gifts from their loved ones. Christmas is said to be the most magical time of the year. So why not spread a little extra magic this year?

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