“The force is strong with her”: Fans react hilariously as Kathleen Kennedy announces she isn't retiring

President Biden Hosts Trick-Or-Treating Event For Families At The White House - Source: Getty
President Biden Hosts Trick-Or-Treating Event For Families At The White House - Source: Getty

Just a few days ago, it was reported that by the end of this year, Kathleen Kennedy would be stepping down from her role as the President of Lucasfilm. But now, she pulled a Jordan Belfort and decided that "she is going nowhere."

Kathleen Kennedy has decided to postpone her retirement plans. She wants to continue on her journey to "Make Star Wars Great Again." Despite what critics and the audience think, she is determined to make movies and produce more and more Star Wars films in the future. That's good news for her, but the rest of the world is cursing their fortune.

Why? Well, Kathleen Kennedy is infamous for altering the Star Wars legacy to a great extent. From cancelling exciting projects like the Boba Fett movie and Rogue Squadron to firing talented directors like Lord and Miller, Josh Trank, and Colin Trevorrow, Kennedy is allegedly charged with making some pretty serious blunders.

Just when Star Wars fans thought that the darkness had ended and good days were upon them, Kennedy returned with all her might with no intention of leaving anytime soon. Maybe she took inspiration from the Obi-Wan Kenobi quote,

"If you strike me down, I'll become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."

Kathleen Kennedy is in talks with Disney to lay out a proper succession plan, which is said to take a year. In the meantime, she will stay at Lucasfilm to help her successor take over and is slated to produce many upcoming Star Wars projects.

Fan reaction to Kathleen Kennedy not retiring from Lucasfilm

Fans were not enthusiastic about her stay and were quite vocal in their expression. They made sure to be so apparent in their responses, hoping someone from Lucasfilm sees it and takes appropriate action. Their reactions were hilarious and borderline concerning. Here are a few that will make you laugh even on your saddest days.

User @debayo_xx added a funny comment,

"The force is strong with her...maybe too strong"

Another user, @corlag, added this funny comment,

"I got hopeful for the Star Wars franchise for a moment."

User @Strittposter decided to play detective and is giving out clues in the comments,

"She definitely has dirt on someone, there's no damn way"

User @Wu1verineGames decided to be philosophical and commented,

"Life will find a way"

Kathleen Kennedy: Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in. (via @NFLComedySkits)

Star Wars has risen above the ranks of being just a movie, it has become a part of the American culture. People are sentimental about it, so when someone decides to tamper with the culture, the fans take it personally. That's what's happened to Kathleen Kennedy.

Edited by Sohini Biswas
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