Thanksgiving, the cornerstone of American holidays, is just around the corner. It marks the beginning of Black Friday and Cyber Monday and is an official signal that winter has begun. Apart from turkeys galore, Thanksgiving is a season to express gratitude for your near and dear ones and to gather for a feast.
However, this also means that there's laughter in the atmosphere. Plus, given that there are memes for almost any situation, it makes sense that Thanksgiving memes will soon be in abundance. So, this year, while you're at the table for Thanksgiving, here are 15 memes to share with your family and friends as you all have a good laugh.
Some of the funniest Thanksgiving memes that will leave you and your family in splits
1) Lucky you
Geddit? Here's another one: Why don't turkeys play sports? Because they're afraid of getting stuffed!
2) A Pumpkin and a turkey's conversation
Fret not, little turkey... you'll soon be going to sleep anyway.
3) Pop-up timers
I'm just glad to see you, big guy.
4) A turkey comes over on Thanksgiving for dinner
The other turkey knows what's up.
5) Before all the food is gone
Haven't we all been there? Sometimes the turkey is so good you have to force yourself.
6) It is extra hot on Thursday
That's exactly right, little dude.
7) Quitting cold turkey
Quitting cold turkey on Thanksgiving? Of all days? Never.
8) Mom on Thanksgiving vs Mom getting ready for Thanksgiving
The worst was when they made us clean our rooms. Are we having Thanksgiving dinner in my room, Mom?
9) A flamingo for Thanksgiving
Maybe if we colored ourselves pink and stood on one leg, too...?
10) When the blessing runs too long
The worst is when you're going around the table, sharing what you're grateful for, and someone starts with January.
11) Chris got stuffed
Chris was violated with carrots, celery sticks, and thyme, Jonathan. Why don't you go in and see what happens for yourself?
12) Turkeys and Halloween costumes
Good luck with that one, little dude. It's a tough world out there.
13) Who doesn't eat on Thanksgiving?
Yikes. Everyone at the table will surely be stuffing themselves as well. Bad time to be a turkey.
14) Turkeys on duck lips
Where do you think the ducks got it from, lady? Give us a little credit.
15) Turkeys and Bigfoot
Only Bigfoot can save us now...
And there you have it. From turkeys dressing up as flamingos to them feeling extra hot on a Thursday, this list has got you covered with some lighthearted comics and jokes. Happy Thanksgiving!

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