What is Star Wars cooking? Have you heard the expression 'to have a cloud on one's horizon? It means a problem looming over despite good news. For example, a new Star Wars game is being developed by Respawn and Bit Reactor, but it is a turn-based tactics game. The news had you in the first half, right?
Developing a new game is fantastic, but who thinks turning it into a turn-based tactics game is a good idea? Nothing screams a turn-based tactics game like painstakingly curating the perfect move only to have the enemy immediately ruin your entire career in the game. What kind of game developers like that? Who enjoys the suffering of their fans?
The game will be launched at the Star Wars Celebration in Japan on April 19. This game will allow players to bring out their internal Jedi and use the force inside them to intelligently defeat the enemy and win the game. The only wait more excruciating than a turn-based tactics game is waiting for a sloth to cross the road.
And now this beloved franchise has entered this realm. It will be a scene to watch, players waiting their turn and thinking, 'Do or do not, there is no try.'
Best Star Wars turn-based tactics memes
As soon as the news of a giant franchise being made into a game reached the internet, everyone cheered loudly. But as soon as they heard the game would be a turn-based tactics game they booed even louder. They expressed their displeasure most subtly and maturely possible, through memes.
Here are some of the memes made by fans that will show exactly how they feel about the game. The message is quite clear.
They had in the first half. (via @PlaceboPizza_)
Who told them to make that? (via @tdawgsmitty)
That's a hard pass on that thing. (via @slotslv)
What's next, Star Wars Candy Crush? That would be cool. (via @slcrod)
No, thank you. (via @Real_Dave77)
Hey, did you hear about the new Star Wars Turn-based tac- (via @CHI_Froste)
You had me at Star Wars and lost me at the Turn-based Tactics game. (via @SalvadorNunez77)
Say another word about playing that game and see what happens. (via @Krisander1998)
I would rather play the Dinosaur game on my computer. (via @neverbasicbryan)
What else you got? (via @Maxpower99978)
Sorry, my phone is allergic to turn-based games. (via @the_sw15)
Me no likey. (via @_Ghostly_Void)
What is a turn-based tactics game?
Turn-based tactics games are like chess but with explosions and violence. Each character takes turns moving around the battlefield and creating plans and strategies to carefully attack their enemies.
It is a deadly race against time where a player has to play every move brilliantly because if a chance is missed, the opponent might turn this into a life lesson for you.

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