“Losing an award you never won is crazy”—Fans laugh as two Oscar voters skipped Ralph Fiennes, thinking he already won for Schindler’s List

97th Annual Academy Awards - Nominees Dinner - Source: Getty
97th Annual Academy Awards - Nominees Dinner - Source: Getty

Have you heard of the Mandela Effect? If not, Ralph Fiennes is here to teach you about it. The Mandela Effect occurs when people think something happened in the past but never did. This is something that happened to two Oscar voters recently.

They said they didn't vote for Ralph Fiennes for his brilliant performance as Cardinal Thomas Lawrence in Conclave because they thought he had already won the award for Schindler's List.

Three things come to mind when reading such things. First, since when are Oscars treated like Halloween candies in a bowl from which you can only take one? Those two will surely lose their marbles if they hear how many nominations Meryl Streep has.

Second, what kind of a reason is that to not vote for someone? Adrien Brody is nominated in the same category, who wait-for-it has won the award before. And third, Ralph Fiennes has not won the award before.

This says a lot about Ralph Fiennes, too. Imagine giving such a memorable performance that people automatically assume you must have won an Oscar for it. His performance as Amon Goth, the merciless commandant of the Krakow-Plaszow concentration camp in German-occupied Poland, is highly regarded as one of the best.

Fiennes was nominated for his performance but lost to Tommy Lee Jones who won for his role in The Fugitive.

Disrespecting the Dark Lord like that should have some consequences. And it did. The fans did not like the voters' reasons, and because they couldn't Avada Cadavra them, they had to settle for leaving hilarious comments online.

Fan reaction to two Oscar voters snubbing Ralph Fiennes because they thought he already won

Lord Voldemort just got accused of a crime he didn't commit. No one ever thought they would be reading these words, but it's true. Two Oscar voters thought they were masters of the workhouse, and Fiennes was Oliver Twist 'asking for more soup.'

They decided to snub him of his Oscar award for his brilliant performance in Conclave because they thought he already won for his role in Schindler's List. Fans could not digest that someone wouldn't nominate an actor for an Oscar simply because of a misunderstanding. They were annoyed and left some hilariously angry comments.

One user @The_Epic_Scenes commented,

"Losing an award you never won before is crazy"

One user @Transsleila made a witty comment,

"Ralph Fiennes losing to an award he never got is crazy"

Another user @uwuimatofu had a funny comment to add,

"they treating Oscars like a "one per customer" grocery store deal"

User @hannahowo_usa added a fiery comment,

"he won before" has gotta be the dumbest excuse ever"

Everyone to those two Oscar voters right now. (via @NewYorkMetsFanX)

"No Ralph, you need to learn to share. You can't have all the Oscars." (via @AneneliOnyenga)

Despite the voters' actions, Ralph Fiennes still managed to receive the Oscar nomination. Now the world will know on March 3 if the two voters' actions were a premonition for the future or not.

Edited by Zainab Shaikh
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