Fans troll Daredevil vs. Bullseye fight in ‘Daredevil: Born Again’: "The punches looked this fake in the original show too"

Daredevil: Born Again Red-Carpet Launch Event - Source: Getty
Daredevil: Born Again Red-Carpet Launch Event - Source: Getty

One of the most anticipated shows of 2025 is the Daredevil: Born Again TV series. So many expectations are associated with this show, and people are excited to watch it. But now and then, some DC fan decides to ruin the show for everyone by leaking spoilers. And by DC fan, the meaning is Marvel itself.

After dropping a killer Daredevil: Born Again trailer, Marvel raised the bar and everyone's heart rates. People were excited, and the chants of Marvel is back were heard everywhere. The gore, the costumes, and the cast looked straight out of the comic books. Marvel fans were Born Again and couldn't wait to see Daredevil break some bones again.

But then, Marvel decided to flip the switch on Daredevil: Born Again, and everything went south. First, they decided to kill the mood by telling the fans to brace themselves for a 'traumatic event' in the series. Fans, who have no energy left for shocks after watching Gamora, Black Widow, and Tony die, are now figuring out how to best deal with this upcoming one.

And now, a new clip from Daredevil: Born Again has been released, where Daredevil is beating the hell out of Bulleye. At first glance, it looked awesome, but as you look closely, you will notice something fishy. The fight seems "too staged." The punches look fake, and the entire scene looks like a rehearsal for a WWE match.

Fan reaction to the new fight scene in Daredevil: Born Again

As Daredevil: Born Again prepares for release, fans are now and then updated with all the latest details to keep them in the loop. This is done to increase excitement for the show. But sometimes, some details harm fandom; instead of increasing excitement, they can push fans away.

A new clip from the new Daredevil series was released with a fight scene between Daredevil and Bullseye. The clip looked fake with all the punches looking like behind-the-scenes fake action. Fans were quick to call out the series for the goof-up and reacted hilariously.

A user @NebsGoodTakes reminded fans of the past with this comment,

"The punches looked this fake in the original show too I don't wanna hear yall complaining"

Another user, @MartianPirate42, decided to stir the pot with this comment,

"This is as fake as WWE"

One more user, @UMNND, had a funny comment to add,

"That's me and my friend making an Insta reel."

User @SsbCharlie is tired of getting too many spoilers and decided to write this comment,

"I'm seeing too many clips against my will can they jus wait til the show out now"

User @SAHtoshiDude asked an important question,

"Who whips their head back that fast after getting punched"

Another user, @BooperDooper510, gave a believable reason for this 'realistic' fight,

"Oh yeah Dex definitely killed Foggy"

The life of the entire series is about the fight scenes, and if the makers goof those up, then there is no hope left. Let's hope that Marvel fixes it before it's too late.

Edited by Sugnik Mondal
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