Fans in stitches as Mr. Savage sets a Guinness World Record for a Fortnite elimination with his monitor 1 km away

Mr. Savage gets a Guinness World Record for a Fortnite elimination with his monitor 1 km away, Red Bull
Mr. Savage gets a Guinness World Record for a Fortnite elimination with his monitor 1 km away (Image Via Instagram/ @mrsavage)

Mr. Savage has officially joined Gamer Mythology - and the Guinness Book of World Records - by eliminating someone in Fortnite using his monitor a full 1 km away while drinking Red Bull. Yes, you read that correctly. Mr. Savage managed the impossible and became an instant gaming legend - likely squinting like a hawk with Wi-Fi.

This ridiculously epic achievement wasn't only what earned him the kill, but it earned him a Guinness World Record, thus cementing his status as the most dangerous man on the game with 20/20 vision and not a single shred of chill.

Mr. Savage actually set up a telescope to play Fortnite from 1 km away - man treated the game like a NASA mission and still got the kill. But, we can't even win a 1v1 without panicking and building a panic box. As soon as the news came out, someone took ot his X account and commented:

"how is it even possible to see 1km away?"

A person actually asked how it's humanly possible to see 1km away, and to be fair, they have a point. The rest of us can barely locate our phone on the bed, yet Mr. Savage is out here seeing Fortnite enemies coming from the neighboring zip code.

Of course, the internet did what it does best - lost its collective mind. Fans flocked to the comments with memes, shock, and jokes sharper than a golden pickaxe.

From asking the laws of physics to questioning whether Mr. Savage should be nominated for Olympic vision, the responses were absolute chaos - and absolute comedy. Let's get into it.

Netizens have reacted as Mr. Savage gets a Guinness World Record for a Fortnite elimination with his monitor 1 km away

Some people witnessed the 1km Fortnite snipe and dropped jokes fiercer than Mr. Savage's gun lens - because if gamers love anything, it's anarchy and humor.

Seriously, the comment section became a stand-up comedy routine with no cooldown:

"The keyboard and headphones are still connected to the monitor from 1 km away," a user @TayoPSG hilariousy asked.
"Go play outside", " another user @suayrez sarcastically commented.
"Meanwhile, I can’t even hit shots with the screen right in front of me," a netizen @mandolinaes sarcastically expressed.

Of course, some commented solely for the energy - no context, no idea, just pandemonium. Not there to make sense, just to make noise - and perhaps a meme or two:

"Bro touched grass and still killed me," a folk @Morganswenp commented.
"How dudes gonna look when he figures out how he was eliminated," a user @SadHamsterX hilariously commented.
"MrSavage in a red bull video before Gta 6," a netizen @1Danboi1 sarcastically wrote.

In the end, Mr. Savage made Fortnite a sport of distance, breezily racking up a Guinness World Record as if it were just another Victory Royale.

The rest of us, meanwhile, are out here getting eliminated in the game before we can even build a wall - at arm's length. Gaming will never be the same, and honestly, neither will telescopes.

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Edited by Mudeet Arora
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