American history might only a few hundred years old, but it is one of the richest in the world. The country had to endure colonization, reforms, a civil war, two World Wars, and several revolutions in order to finally reach where it is today.
But, with everything there is to celebrate about the history of this great nation, there are some things that can be looked at with humor. Here are 20 hilarious memes on US History that you can enjoy.
1 - No gun laws
If you thought that getting a gun was easy now, there was a time when one didn't have to even register their firearms. In fact, they were used to rebel against the British Colonizers in the late 18th century.
2 - Early Memes
Before the internet came along, memes were popular in the form of cartoons featured in newspapers. This cartoon from 1915 was particularly powerful as it shed light on how certain individuals used to profit from war, slavery and other such horrors.
3 - Cold War
The Cold War was a tense period between the US and Soviet Union, as both the superpowers were in a race to establish dominance in areas such as nuclear arms, space exploration capability etc. before the other does it, as shown in this meme.
4 - World War II entry
The US always wanted to stay out of World War II, but it wasn't until Japan bombed the Pearl Harbor in 1941 that made them declare war as well.
5 - The US is a big place
The US is the third largest country in the world. It is so big in size that two of the most hostoric events of 1876 - the death of George Armstrong Custer, one of the most important figures in the Civil War, happened at the same time as when the Brooklyn Bridge was being constructed in New York. Mind blowing, isn't it?!
6 - "Who are you people?"
The Native Americans / Indians, who were the first to step on present day American soil, were definitely not the biggest fans of European colonization and the several rules imposed by the establishment. This meme represents what the Native Americans must have felt.
7 - Much more affordable housing
There was a time, not too long ago when housing wasn't as exorbitant as it is now, when you could afford a house for about $15,000.
8 - Cannon Mouse Trap
This mousetrap invented in the late 1800s didn't exactly 'trap' any mouse, as you can see in this hilarious meme.
9 - Allies Post World War II
The US came out the least damaged post World War II, significantly less compared to the other countries as depicted in this meme.
10 - Spanish-American War Aftermath
The Spanish-American war of 1898 resulted in the US emerging victorious over Spain. They then occupied Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines and Cuba.
11 - Barack Obama
If we're talking American history, how can we not include Barack Obama, who created history by becoming the first black president? This definitely deserves a mic drop!
12 - Vietnam War
The Vietnam War is widely known as a mistake that proved to be extremely costly to the United States and caused widespread devastation in Vietnam. The US underestimated the might of the Vietnamese people who gave them arguably the most difficult fight in history, as depicted in this meme.
13 - Mount Rushmore
Mount Rushmore is a massive sculpture that celebrates four of the greatest American Presidents, and is among the most famous tourist attractions in the US. The sculpture has also been a target for many jokes, because of how President Lincoln's face is the only one facing the other direction and appears to be staring at President Roosevelt, as hilariously captured in this meme.
14 - "Thomas Jefferson Survives"
John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, the 2nd and 3rd Presidents of the US, both died on the 4th of July. President Adams' last words included acknowledgement of his longtime friend, President Jefferson, not knowing that the latter had died just five hours ago. This meme shows how the people around him must've reacted and chosen not to convey the sad news.
15 - 'Peak Man'
Theodore Roosevelt is considered the "manliest" president, because of his sheer physical prowess. He was also into physical activities such as boxing, hunting, horseriding etc. that were considered very manly back then. What truly solidified his image was when he gave a speech after just having been shot in 1912.
16 - Mexican-American War
The Mexico-American War (1846-1848) is one of the most painful wars in the history of Mexico, as they ended up losing the land of Texas to the US. This meme shows how the US troops pressed on even after Mexico had already lost the war.
17 - Public Transportation
Many believe that Americans used to travel on horseback in the early 20th century as shown in this meme as well, but contrary to this belief, steam engine powered trains were already operational in the US since the 1860s.
18 - Lincoln's Ghost
Abraham Lincoln was the 16th American President, and is widely considered as the greatest president in the history of the US. He was assassinated in 1865, and is believed to haunt the White House since then. UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill famously claimed to have seen the ghost of Lincoln when he stayed at the White House back in 1941.
19 - George Washington
George Washington, the 1st American President, fought many battles such as the American Revolutionary War, and was also instrumental in shaping the US constitution. He even fought against deadly diseases that threatened his life right until the very end.
20 - Competing for Iran
Iran lost US, that was its long time ally, because of the Iranian Revolution in 1979. The Societ Union immediately sprang into action to try and gain influence over Iran as it had been competing against the US for the same since a very long time. This meme captures how the Soviets must have eagerly awaited the US' departure.
American History has been nothing short of a bumpy ride, with several highs as well as lows. And so, the historical memes going viral on the internet don't just provide humor, but also knowledge and information about US history.

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