Xavier memes aren't just memes; they have their own legacy. Popular as the meme uncle, Xavier memes have their own fan base. The persona of Xavier uncle is hilarious due to how he replies to posts on social media.
If you are on social media, chances are, you have already met this person with a big black mustache. That mustache is supposed to give off a serious vibe, yet you cannot help but laugh when you read the hilarious replies right beside his profile picture.
He has his own logic and usually maintains a low-key, sarcastic tone in his jokes. If you are flaunting your wit too much, be aware that Xavier uncle may notice, and he might take a funny dig at your comment section.
The real person behind the image is Pakalu Papito. Who would have thought Pakalu Papito would be this famous? But when you have wit, humor, and an unmistakable sense of humor, nothing is impossible.
His jokes have made us all laugh since 2015. This was also the year when he got popular on social media. Xavier memes has a crazy fanbase with its presence on Reddit, TikTok, Instagram, X, and Facebook. Name a social media platform, and you'll find these memes in one click.
These memes have aged like fine wine. Some of these induce a little nostalgia as well as rib-tickling laughter. If you are getting bored or just curious as to what's the deal about Uncle Xavier and his memes, we've got you covered.
We have collected 20 funniest memes featuring good old Uncle Xavier memes to give you much-needed comic relief.
Hang tight and enjoy!
20 Xavier memes to laugh out loud
'Who said that I like you?' (via Design master | Fashion designer | Digital marketing/Pinterest)
Stay close to your root, not branches (via Sara Edmeia Santos/Pinterest)
Savage replies from Xavier the meme uncle (via Satyam Suman/Pinterest)
Xavier sir is after 0.1% germs (via tanu/Pinterest)
Selena Gomez as traffic lights (via @KirstyjonesKj/X)
Is this a very simple question? (via @ZavierMemes/X)
Well, Xavier has his logic! (via @Connoisseur_RPA/X)
Xavier has a fix for everything (via @tamildankster/X)
Introduce yourself ft. Xavier meme uncle (via @its_zaibee/X)
This Whatsapp group by Xavier uncle is the embodiment of loneliness (via @realxavieruncle/X)
Pakalu Papito is everywhere. He even featured in spiderverse (via @realxavieruncle/X)
Not 1 million dollars. Pizza and cold drink would do the job, Thanks. (via Wader2612/Pinterest)
Well, he never saw a person slip on a banana peel. Did you? (via Lyla Diem/Pinterest)
Getting shawshanked (via MEMES & MORE/Pinterest)
Well, meme uncle has a point (via Stacy Wilhelm/Pinterest)
Congrats, we're all scientists (via Design master | Fashion designer | Digital marketing/Pinterest)
Why try when you can already? (via Faveri/Pinterest)
He has his priorities sorted (via Xavier/Facebook)
Head of the family who? (via kontenkreators04/Instagram)
Completing engineering from online colleges is like (via xavier_the_real_one/Instagram)
Did these Xavier memes entertain you? If you also had a great time scrolling through these, make sure to share with friends and family.
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