That 2 AM scroll through unhinged memes is one of the most common habits we all have in the age of social media. This is the time when we try falling asleep and then fail miserably. A hallmark behavior of modern insomniacs like us, the 2 AM meme scroll gives us much-needed relaxation to let the day's tiredness wear off.
Let's see the unhinged servings we like during our midnight humor cravings. Dark humor? Of course. Relatable struggles? Check. Bizarre and funny fails? Can't do without it! Viral memes that make you wheeze into your pillow? Well, these are perfect 2 AM companies.
When it comes to memes and online humor, the more unhinged it gets, the better. Unadulterated humor is good for body and mind. It's the perfect stimulus to awaken our laughter buds one last time right before you dose off.
Hilariously enough, often, this scroll through unhinged nuggets of laughter gets stretched out a little too long than you originally planned. Scrolling through one funny meme after another and laughing your heart out usually banishes sleep. Then, lo and behold! You are late for work the next morning.
We are still the night owls quite proudly. Why not have a dose of laughter and save these amazing unhinged memes for your 2 AM scroll
20 funniest Unhinged memes that'll make you chuckle at 2 AM
1. Bro was hungry (Via @v_rage_x/TikTok)
2. Every action movie ever (Via Dank memes/X)
3. Hold on, I am overstimulated and kind of on cloud9 ( Via Cheezeburger/pinterest)
4. That one chair in your room that has all your clothes on it (Via Random memes that I found online/X)
5. When your mental state is blowing up but you smile through it all (Via Intorvert Memes/X)
6. When your brain fogs and you can't recall a perfect dream you had (Via Dank Memes/X)
7. That one fly that refuses to act right (Via eBaum's World/Pinterest)
8. When you say it but don't say it at the same time (Via Not Jerome Powell/X)
9. Sheeran away, sorry Ed! (Via Rei'/Pinterest)
10. That was an unhinged 'No' right there (Via @jagerking2000/TikTok)
11. Try your best not to laugh when you look at this one (Via @officialmemehubaccount/ TikTok)
12. This chicken was not ready for adventure (Via @dailyfunmemesquad/TikTok)
13. Funny crossover between celebrities and food (Via jpeg/Pinterest)
14. Where did your Van Go(gh) (Via Cheesebroke/Pinterest)
15. This one is golden. What do you think? (Via Nott Jerome Powell)
16. We all have gone through this cycle (Via anastasia/Pinterest)
17. Overthinking keeps you from sleep and it is 2 AM
18. These are the 4 most important things that you take extra care in keeping in a proper place and then you end up forgetting where you kept them (via Funny memes/X)
19. When you forget to cancel the free trial that you ended up taking out of excitement and then your billing notification pops up (Via Funny memes/X)
20. Cutest AirPods you'll ever have (Via Funny Memes/X)

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