20 best introvert memes explored in celebration of the 'World Introvert Day'

Picture credits from Pexel images
Picture credits from Pexel images (for representational purpose only)

'World Introvert Day' is a day when half of the millennial population says "My time to shine." They will spend this day just like they spend every other day, still quietly in a corner. They will also be praying that no one comes to wish them a happy 'World Introvert Day.'

Who are these introverts? Have you ever gone to a restaurant and gotten the wrong order? If you don't call the waiter to correct it and instead eat the shrimp curry that you are deathly allergic to, then you are an introvert.

If you walk around rocking an ugly tomato hairstyle just because you can't your barber that you hate it, then congratulations you are an introvert.

Some people need a speech, a topic and a mic to address a crowd of people and some people need a four-hour nap after saying "hi" to one person. Those people are introverts. Some people get offended when they don't get enough attention at a party and some people breathe a sigh of relief when a lunch with one friend gets cancelled. Those people are introverts.

It is said that to gain something you need to lose something. Introverts are one of the smartest people in the world and to gain that they had to sacrifice their entire social interaction. They are one of those who go out in public and hate to see the public there. These are the people we celebrate on 'World Introvert Day' today.

They thrive at making awkward conversations even more awkward and then overthink about how awkward it was. If they were being mugged they would quickly give away their things not to save themselves but to avoid any conversation with the mugger.

20 best introvert memes to celebrate 'World Introvert Day'

Here are some epic introvert memes that you must see after 'World Introvert Day' because that's really what you would want to do.

What's worse than being chased by a killer? (via Bored Panda/Pinterest)

Every era has its struggles. (via Ashley Telly/Pinterest)

God gives the hardest battles to the bravest. (via The Daily Dot/Pinterest)

Correction: Introverts everywhere. (via Nana_Osaki)

Unexpected calls should be banned. (via Winkgo/Pinterest)

They are the principals of the schools you go to. (via Desiree/Pinterest)

That's enough socializing for a whole year. (via Bored Panda/Pinterest)

Battery low. The system is shutting down. (via Nicole Leiter/Pinterest)

Long live the Queen. (via Bored Panda/Pinterest)

That was better than any other TV show. (via Beatriz Lima/Pinterest)

He is a hero who needs to be protected at all costs. (via Emily/Pinterest)

A much-needed teamwork. (via Katie Trusty/Pinterest)

That's the only way to do it. (via Sophie/Pinterest)

Those were the days. (via Hanoon/Pinterest)

This is the reality of life. (via Rachel Franklin/Pinterest)

Sometimes God blesses us in mysterious ways. (via Jeff Fitzpatrick Adams IRISH CELTIC ILLUMINATIONS/Pinterest)

The struggle is real. (via Bonnie Rodgers/Pinterest)

Truer words have never been spoken. (via Samantha Kinally/Pinterest)

Ain't no party like a me party. (via Sarah Gibson/Pinterest)

I wish I was that person. (via Helen Heater/Pinterest)

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Edited by Sugnik Mondal